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Any chance this can win a Hugo or Nebula award?

Two weeks had passed since Hermione Rex laid her T-Rex egg, and the anticipation within Hogwarts had reached a fever pitch. Hermione, ever vigilant, had entrusted Harry with the task of watching over the egg while she briefly attended to personal matters.

As Harry stood guard, his eyes widened in astonishment when the egg suddenly stirred and emitted a small, curious voice. “Mama?”

Harry’s jaw dropped. “It talks? But how?” he muttered incredulously.

Before he could gather his thoughts, Dr. Alan Grant, renowned for his expertise in paleontology and magical creatures, made a dramatic entrance. With a flourish reminiscent of a character from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, he backflipped off a banister and landed gracefully in the midst of a group of older girls, who promptly swooned at the display of charm and agility.

“It talks!” Dr. Grant exclaimed, his excitement palpable. “Quick, I must examine its throat!”

The young dinosaur, now fully hatched and curious about its surroundings, looked up at Harry with wide eyes. Hermione, sensing the commotion from afar, hurried back to the scene, her maternal instincts kicking into overdrive.

“Alan, please,” Hermione implored, gently cradling her baby in her massive claws. “Let’s not overwhelm him just yet. He’s just hatched.”
SomeMichGuy · M Best Comment
If you draw one on a sheet of paper and give it to yourself, sure--why not?
Why thank you for acknowledging my very learned, extensively-footnoted opinion with such a well-deserved mark of appreciation and approbation from you, @Longpatrol! 😉

PinkMoon · 26-30, F
No chance whatsoever.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
pride49 · 31-35, M
Palpable is such a gross word. Too meany run on sentences.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
Umm ... 🤔

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