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I love this franchise so much.

I've read the books, seen the movies and got a ton of merch. I know that doesn't make a fan but I love this whole series including fantastic beasts. Just wish I could go to Harry Potter studios at some point.

I'm a Slytherin btw. And proud of it. They might be seen as the Evil House which I think is an awful label. We're not all bad.
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I was not part of the target market for the Potter story. But I lived in a big house, and one of my housemate has a young daughter, just turned 12 and she was having trouble reading. So I took the liberty of sitting with her at night with the very first Harry Potter book I would read two pages, and then she would be one. Before many chapters, I realized I was enthralled by this wonderful writing and unique world view
By the time we were halfway through we were each reading a page at a time, her ability to read with climbing. When the book with Done we looked at each
other And realized we were a little sad. No more of this lovely time. And then her mom came in with the second book. We went through three of them when I was living there and she no longer needed my help to read. But we enjoyed the words and the voices, I am quite an actor. And remain good friends to this day I have seen every movie. There’s nothing wrong with being Slytherin, I’m certainly no Hufflepuff
When i was in grade 11 i got to walk around the location where they filmed Diagon Alley.
Yourguyinthecity · 56-60, M
[image/video deleted]

My wife and I went to Warner Brothers in Hollywood last year.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
My bf is a Slytherin. You're right, they're not all bad. He is cunning, ambitious, and brutally logical. But he has a generous heart.

I am a Hufflepuff and he sometimes gets irritated at my passive humility, but we make it work. 💛🦡🖤+💚🐍🖤
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
I enjoyed the books too and it was part of my formative years. It's what got me hooked on books. And yes, for those who will inevitably say, it's not the only fantasy series I read. I love Tolkien, Gaiman, Pratchett, etc.

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