Does anyone tried vintage clothing guide?Can you share your experiences here?., I'm so excited to hear from you.
does wearing these shawl snoods look not right on a mando they look odd or make a man look feminine? i have a few of them and want to wear them when the autumn arrives. (1)
Have you heard of Steampunk fashion?Steampunk fashion is a subgenre of the steampunk movement in science fiction. It is a mixture of the Victorian era's romantic view of science in literature and elements from the Industrial Revolution in Europe during the 1800s. Steampunk fashion... See More ยป
I love Argyle socks Poll (4) See Poll OptionsBeing a very odd person I like odd things. One of those I would describe my utter fondness for Argyle socks. I love those socks and only a few people... See More ยป (2)
Does anyone else remember or miss the full length Fox fur coat trend of the 1980s?Okay, I was born in 1954 and raised and spent my entire life in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and one thing about that time was full-length Fox fur coats were huge in style. I remember in the early 1980s seeing ads on tv and in the newspaper of women... See More ยป