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New tattoo

Got a new tattoo today was supposed to be 4 hours session that's what a paid for. It was wrapped in clingfilm was told to take off 2 to 4 hours. So I've just washed it and I'm not so happy with how it's turned out. The head doesn't match well with the body What do you guys think. I have him two pics to work with and this was end result
The first and second is pictures I got off Internet for inspiration and last is end result
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Gibbon · 70-79, M
Sorry I agree with you. He didn't do well following the examples in detail or scale. The head is small as you say.
MiraRoss · 31-35, F
@Gibbon it needed to be a tad bigger and not much detail in the flowers
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@MiraRoss I'm not a tat person but I agree. Whoever did the 2nd one does really nice work.
MiraRoss · 31-35, F
@Gibbon I've had 4 now and the others are perfect this one just seems rushed was booked 4 hour's didn't even take 2
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
I wouldn't go back to that artist again. They don't seem very good. It doesn't look too bad though, you can tell what it is, but it's not as nice as the other two.
Was this person free handing it, or did he go off a drawn sheet?
MiraRoss · 31-35, F
@JamesBugman I've had three others from him they was awesome but he put a print down but went of the picture on his tablet
To be honest, I wouldn’t be thrilled. The first two look like works of art, yours not so much.
MiraRoss · 31-35, F
@OlderSometimesWiser just seems rushed to me
@MiraRoss I’m thinking if he added some of the blue in to make it look more like your middle pic, it could look a whole lot better.
Penny · 46-50, F
i think it looks great. dont feel bad. nothing to feel bad about . both are beautiful. i really really like the arm one and the leg one is cool too.
MiraRoss · 31-35, F
@Penny the first and second are pictures I found on Internet for inspiration the last is the end result
Penny · 46-50, F
@MiraRoss oh i see. sorry i was confused. i like your dragon. i think it looks cool. and its a pretty shade of red and pink on the flowers :) i think its beautiful.
Penny · 46-50, F
@MiraRoss i actually like yours the best. the top one is too like "perfect" liek the lines are too neat for body art. the flowers are very nice though.the second i dont like the colors and yours is like cooler . like it looks like its out of a old school japanese style illustration fantasy book. i wouldnt feel bad about it all. it looks great. :) yours is softer and more subtle in a good way. and i liek how its grey/ black work. and it harmonizes with your fish tats on your ankle.
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
That looks really good. I love your new tattoos. By the way, I love your cute bunny slippers. 🐰
eyeno · M
Hehe, I like your Fuzzy slippers...makes me smile...

Heres another...

MiraRoss · 31-35, F
@eyeno my mum got them me there so cozy
Nicenlongnthick · 41-45, M
Wow nice work .i really like looks good on you.
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
You're right, the head looks a bit off. On the bright side, it's missing so much detail and shading that maybe you could have another artist tattoo over it
HeWhoWalks39 · 36-40, M
I like that Dragon with the blue ❤❤❤❤❤ pretty hun
MiraRoss · 31-35, F
@HeWhoWalks39 the first two pics are of internet last one was what I ended with
HeWhoWalks39 · 36-40, M
@MiraRoss Oh Ok... So it's not finished yet? Or?
MiraRoss · 31-35, F
@HeWhoWalks39 the head will need redoing. But yes it's done this is end result
dale74 · M
That looks expensive
Sorry. It´s a pity you ruined your skin with such bad art. Get your money back.

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