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Similarname · 46-50, M
Appreciated! Lol

needs to be a thing!
going braless is not only okay, it's healthy and honestly it should be the girl's choice and not what someone else thinks
going braless is not only okay, it's healthy and honestly it should be the girl's choice and not what someone else thinks
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CassandraFemale17 · 26-30, F
@KathyW: our local nude beach is packed on sunny hot days. There are a lot of people who don't mind at all
Marriedfeet · 51-55, F
@CassandraFemale17: I have noticed over the last few years that beaches have been more topless friendly.
CassandraFemale17 · 26-30, F
@KathyW: indeed. In Europe it is no big deal whatsoever. And sunbathing nude at home is common.
It's in N America with its puritan so called 'values' where it becomes taboo, and perceived as provocative. What's so provocative about getting a tan? Or swimming without having to get a bathing suit wet? It's ridiculous.
I have never ever heard of anyone being attacked or what have you while skinny dipping.
Not saying it hasn't happened, but it's a million more times rare than people just skinny dipping
It's in N America with its puritan so called 'values' where it becomes taboo, and perceived as provocative. What's so provocative about getting a tan? Or swimming without having to get a bathing suit wet? It's ridiculous.
I have never ever heard of anyone being attacked or what have you while skinny dipping.
Not saying it hasn't happened, but it's a million more times rare than people just skinny dipping
froggtongue · M
It totally should be allowable.
Sharon · F
I decide whether I wear a bra or not. If others don't like my choice it's their problem.
CassandraFemale17 · 26-30, F
Sometimes in public. All times at home
Marriedfeet · 51-55, F
@CassandraFemale17: YES! Couldn't say it better myself.
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AmericanBroad · 31-35, F
I don't always wear one but if it's a formal occasion I always do
MikefromEP · 56-60, M
Down right creepy if I wore a bra
taintedprincess · 46-50, F
@MikefromEP: you made me choke
MikefromEP · 56-60, M
@taintedprincess: I would choke as well lol
taintedprincess · 46-50, F
Dmanjt didit to me again ..i am trying to drink here
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
with the right outfit braless is better.I sunbathe naked so braless is pretty tame really.
taintedprincess · 46-50, F
Depends, how big are they?
Marriedfeet · 51-55, F
@taintedprincess: In some cases yes. There is such a thing as too much.
miklyn86 · 36-40, M
Don't ponder over it...if you feel like going braless, just do it!!! If some people (probably women) don't like it, tough!!!
saragoodtimes · F
braless but only when I want to give some guy a nice downblouse

I walk topless in public, sometimes naked- so bra-less seems mild.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@Peekaboo: 🤤

@Degbeme: haha- my friends do it too.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@Peekaboo: *faints*
saintsong · 41-45, F
I have lots of dresses that are bandeaus or strapless that look better without a bra.
Marriedfeet · 51-55, F
@saintchantal: Very good point. Some dresses just wouldn't look the same with a bra on.
OzDiver · 61-69, M
Acceptable, and entirely up to the individual concerned.
damacles · 61-69, M
totally acceptable, if you are comfortable
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Both and neither. It so much depends on the circumstance and the woman wearing or not wearing one. Personally I like girls and women without a bra more than those with one but sometimes you just gotta say, "Ya know girl you forgot to put on your bra".
Marriedfeet · 51-55, F
@hippyjoe1955: Haha. I know what you mean. I usually don't care, its a personal choice. It also really depends on what you are wearing when you choose not to wear a bra.
Mk8155 · M
@Marriedfeet you can offend me all you want
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clu789 · 56-60, M
Works for me 😀
Suethenudist · 31-35, F
I think it's ok
AllAboutLaffs · 80-89, M
Like so many things, it depends on many variables and circumstances .... but in general, braless is acceptable.
VisionQuest · 51-55, M
Absolutely acceptable, especially on hot and humid days!
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Nicenlongnthick · 41-45, M
I dont think there is anything wrong with it.if your comfortable thats all that matters
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
It's depends massively on saggage
taintedprincess · 46-50, F
@theoneyouwerewarnedabout: thats what ima sayin
Very acceptable! Specially with a hot mum!
PeterJ · 56-60, M
Totally accepted I would say.
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nativespirit · 61-69, M
Perfectly acceptable in my opinion
jackson55 · M
Depends where you are. Let the girls free.
DIRTYMIND · 56-60, C
I encourage my wife to do so.
Ctreve511 · 56-60, M
Totally acceptable!
romell · 51-55, M
JennaBug · 31-35, F
I don't very often, but I can because I am a very small size and I always make sure I have a no see down top on. I mainly wear a bra so my nippies don't poke out, lol.
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
Totally fine in informal situations: shopping, etc. but not a great idea in the workplace.
ninjavu · 51-55, M
Depends, but ultimately it's the decision of the owner of the breasts, and what makes her comfortable, both physically and mentally. Every time I see a braless woman, whether I find her attractive or not, I give a silent little cheer for her ... and sometimes a smile. ;)
Nytro44 · 61-69, M
"acceptable or just plain tacky?"
I say HEALTHY, and that's the best answer for that question!
I say HEALTHY, and that's the best answer for that question!
MartiniTime · 61-69, M
Under the right circumstances, acceptable and sexy. In the wrong circumstances, taky and whaky, like church, the country club.....visiting mom at the old folks home or a parent teacher conference.
ozzydevil · M
Acceptable, not all women like wearing bras
Whateva floats ur boaties
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voodoo1970 · 51-55, M
Usually acceptable, sometimes impractical, never tacky.

I think it's fine but it always depends on the outfit as well.
Jimmyorjames · M
I suppose it depends on how much movement you have going on
romell · 51-55, M
Acceptable if it makes you feel comfortable
polyandrym66 · 70-79, M
Acceptable and encouraged!
inappropriate.. unless they don't have anything 😒
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Degbeme · 70-79, M
There are times I think it`s needed. ;)
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