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Faster than a speeding airliner...

Did you know.....? Santa Clause is one fast cookie. Depending on how you measure, the Earth, it is approximately 24,900 mi in circumference. There are 24 hours in each day. Therefore, the Earth is divided into 24 time zones. In the thickest part of the time zone by the equator, the time zone would be approximately 1,037 miles wide.
During the midnight flight of December 25th, Santa Claus must maintain an average of 1037 miles per hour while he is also delivering all of those magnificent gifts to you good little girls and boys.
At sea level and when the temperature is 59° f, it is said that sound travels at 761.2 miles per hour. This is also called the speed of Mach 1. Mach 2 is twice the speed of Mach 1. (761.2 X 2 = 1522.4). Mach 2 is 1522.4 miles per hour.
Considering that he needs time to suddenly land on a roof, blast down a chimney, quickly touch his nose without giving himself a black eye, so that he can make all those gifts instantly appear under the tree, and then suddenly inhale some more cookies and milk... Right before he blasts right back up the chimney and into the sleigh as he rockets to the next roof.
I would say that Santa Claus is maintaining an average speed of more than twice the speed of sound.
Okay... Now that's pretty impressive for a fat guy who eats tons of cookies and drinks gallons of milk in a 24-hour period !
It is said that he does it all with some magic dust.
What else is amazing is that I would have to assume that he has a window of between 12:00 and 1:00 to stay within the time zone so it's always very close to midnight at every house that he delivers to. Is this a form of time travel? Or at least making time stand still? Hmmm....
Well, regardless of whatever it is.... Let's not forget the main reason for the season and the one man that impresses me most... The birth of Jesus Christ. God in the flesh. A dude who can just speak it into the being. Time is nothing to him. He has no need to fly the friendly skies aboard a mechanical machine. Jesus Christ has performed an unnumbered amount of amazing miracles that were visually seen by hundreds of people and documented very well. And then that book ! Or better known as 66 books. The book that's been around for more than 2,000 years and has been the #1 best seller on the entire globe. The #2 best seller on the entire globe hasn't even made it to the halfway point of how many sales the Bible has sold. Many people have even bought the book many times over and then just gave it to others who needed one. This book has stood the test of time. No other book ever written has had so many translated versions so that anyone of any language can understand. What amazes me the most and is denied by so many people is this .... It has made so many predictions that has came true. (How can you deny this if you would just read it and open your eyes and just look around)? Here is the one thing that has impressed me more than anything of anything that I have seen in my entire life. Look around and see what's going on in the world in the last 15 years or so. Then compare that with what the Bible has said about it. Things right now are happening exactly as it was written over 2,000 years ago. There is no magic in this... It is a mind-boggling miracle. Even when there were no airplanes and no telephone or Internet... A time when travel was very limited. The time when many different languages of tribes couldn't even communicate between each other... There have been millions of churches built to worship a higher authority. We don't even know how many churches accurately. We can't even imagine how much labor was involved just to build one church. But yet, it's all happened and there's no denying this.... In areas where it is legal.... There is at least one but usually many more churches in every town. In areas where it is illegal... There are still many churches hidden in the basements of people who know the facts.
I can go on and on and on of all the proof that I have seen and why I have a very strong belief in our Lord Jesus Christ. I need no more proof... He is in my heart. I don't even feel right to call it a belief... It is a fact of life to me.
Here is another very interesting read...


May all of you be blessed with a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !
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Yes, Jesus is the reason for the season. Nothing, but nothing, can compare to our beautiful Savior, who sacrificed His very own life so that we may live in heaven with Him one day. I love the history you shared about the Bible. To tell you the truth, it even hurts me to see a picture of Santa Claus, because that belief tries to take all the attention and emphasis away from our Lord. After all the Lord did for us, and people ignore him and neglect him. He deserves only to be adored.
@LadyGrace I like to preach about what is right and truthful just as much as what is wrong and deceiving just like I like to preach about Heaven and also Hell. I've met pastors who only want to preach about Heaven.They are afraid that they will lose numbers of congregation if they don't deliver "Ear Candy". I've seen many churches that actually have coloring books and posters of Santa Clause in their toddler classes. Of course I don't agree with that either.
meth.. its a hell of a drug.
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