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Name one or more famous people

with animal nicknames. I'll start with this one: the greatest of the high-note trumpet players. Cat Anderson.

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DragonFruit ยท 61-69, M
Miloslav Mecir (aka "The Big Cat") -former Slovakian tennis player....he's 6'3" tall

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@DragonFruit Theyโ€™re making them big these days. Think Daniil Medvedev and Alexander Sverev are 6โ€™6โ€ tall.
DragonFruit ยท 61-69, M
@OlderSometimesWiser The tallest are Ivo Karlovic 6'11", Reilly Opelka 6'10 1/2" and John Isner 6' 10" (only Opelka is still active, the other 2 are retired)....so it's not just "these days".
HumanEarth ยท F
George Burns
Gracey Allen
Humphrey Bogart (Bogie)
James Cagey
Jimmy Stewart
Katharine Hepburn
Rita Hayworth
Scatman Crothers
Tommy Dorsey
Gene Krupa
bijouxbroussard ยท F
@rinkydinkydoink What did you originally ask ? I feel like I missed out.
rinkydinkydoink ยท M

Oh man... me old brain kinda forgets. Probably something like this - You've 10 seconds to name as many famous people with animal nicknames as you can
HumanEarth ยท F

Man them cats could play back then. I sure dig that Jazz Swing music
ElwoodBlues ยท M
Catfish Hunter
Cat Stevens
John Cougar Mellencamp
Charlie "Bird" Parker
Wolfman Jack
rinkydinkydoink ยท M

Excellent with the edit.

Maybe add The Lizard King?
Lilymoon ยท F
Snoop dogg
rinkydinkydoink ยท M

You have to believe he still has golf history to make... if Tom Watson at the age of 60 can nearly win the British Open then Tiger sure as hell can get 4 more grand slam events in the next 10 yrs to surpass Jack :D
Lilymoon ยท F
@rinkydinkydoink Yup... I think he has some health issues though...
rinkydinkydoink ยท M

Unfortunately, yes.
AdaXI ยท T
Barry Hawkins - The Hawk
rinkydinkydoink ยท M

Perhaps the most charismatic snooker player. Ever.

AdaXI ยท T
@rinkydinkydoink I was racking my brain for like half hour thinking there's gotta be at least one other snooker player with an animal, bird, fish, insect, I'll take anything but yeah Barry Boring seems to be about the only one LOLZ๐Ÿ˜†

Ding Junhui as a dragon in his nickname don't know if that counts? I could of made it work given the circumstances LMAO๐Ÿคฃ
George "The Animal" Steele.
Adogslife ยท 61-69, M
Tiger Woods
Larry Bird
Snoop Dogg
rinkydinkydoink ยท M

I see you're a sports fan. Remember Moose Skowron of the Yanks?
bijouxbroussard ยท F
Eldrick "Tiger" Woods.
DrWatson ยท 70-79, M
@bijouxbroussard I actually thought Tiger was his real name! ๐Ÿ˜‚
pancakeslam ยท 41-45, M
Dawg the Bounty Hunter
SomeMichGuy ยท M
Donald "Duck" Dunn
rinkydinkydoink ยท M

May he RIP
SomeMichGuy ยท M

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