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My best friend..

He is the best guy friend in the world to me, but he keeps me in the friend zone..why?
He is 38. I am 44. We have known each other going on 4 yrs now. I visit him every Saturday, we play yatzi, uno cards, and dominos.
We talk about his dog, Kia.
We talk about how our future plans will be to see the world..but we never go on a date..we dont eat out together..we just talk.
Theres never been any intimacy, no kissing, no touching..just talking.
I REALLY enjoy his company, but he says im not his i love my best friend..but how come he only calks me to talk? He has been there through thick and thin, ups and downs, rights and wrongs..and all we do is talk. Maybe im just a friend, but i wish i was more....anybody else ever feel this way?
How do you handle it?
Everyday he calls me, i answer the phone with " HELLO HANDSOME " and he responds, " Hiya gorgeous "
We write letters and at the end of every letter he signs, all my love 1434..i asked what it meant he replied, i love u what i dreaming too big or is it just a brotgerly love type thing?
I wanna know what hes up to..honest Answers and advice are appreciated!
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dale74 · M
Tell him you love him and want a serious relationship with him and only him.

I had a friend one time and she made the mistake as soon she never wanted to get married again and she didn't trust men. So I wouldn't ask her up I kept it nothing but friendship even when she changed her mind and wanted more because she never told me she wanted more. Men do not read between the lines if you like him you better tell him you should have told him a long time ago obviously. In today's culture if a man who is a good man makes the first move he's labeled misogynist this has all been created because of women's lib. If a man just simply makes a nice compliment such as I like the way you got your hair fixed or that's a really cool outfit if he says this even though a large percentage of women would enjoy it you have that 5% who would turn him into HR now this isn't at work but good men have gotten to where they apply the standard to everywhere because the last thing a man wants to be accused of is sexual harassment.
twiigss · M
@dale74 THANK YOU! This is why I will not approach a woman and ask her out. I don't need to be accused of sexual harassment and lose my job because I was interested in a date.

So I will be super nice, but if you are interested for a date as a woman, then you have to approach and ask me because I'm not losing my job over it.

And yes it has happened before with other people.
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
I have a good friend who's exactly the same way. I have known her for over 25 years. We started out as b/f/g/f but today I consider her one of my closest friends. We basically chat everyday.
i cant really get inside of his head. he obviously thinks very highly of you though, otherwise, he wouldnt continue to hang around. i have had women in the past that i thought of just as friends, but, werent attracted to in the romantic way. it happens. at worst, you have a lifelong friend. one question though........ since you have known him, how often does he go out with other women ??
@CloudAngel80 it’s a possibility.
@CloudAngel80 maybe he is interested but way too shy
CloudAngel80 · 41-45, F
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There are a alot of things I can say. But keep it short you guys are good friends but if he doesn't have feelings for you. You should settle to level of friendship where you guys should not be saying those 3 words.
Beautywithin · 36-40, F
You have to decide what you want him as, a best friend? Or a lover? If its a lover you risk in the future losing a friend.
Kuronekko · 41-45, F
Idk, you can't make someone see you like that if they don't. Have either of you had romantic partners since being friends?
CloudAngel80 · 41-45, F
@Kuronekko nope..
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Sometimes relationships aren’t meant to go beyond handshakes!!
JSmith75 · 46-50, M
Just be careful you don't want to lose his friendship

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