MoonPieSmilez · 26-30, F
When my 7 year old came home from 2nd grade and called me bro! When I asked him to do something .. I was actually happy because he’s autistic .. but his best friend is a family friend of mine and his dad makes sure he comes home safely.. 🙏🏼..
KaysHealingPath · 36-40, F
Outside unsupervised? Like 12 lol
Listen I live in a city, and we lived in an apartment until the oldest was almost 12 so the only place he could play was the park and I’d go with him and his friends and I’d hang out on the picnic area and they rode bikes on the trails etc.
Sometimes they rode the bikes around the block on the sidewalk but I’d pop my head out or sit on the very small stoop as they rode around the block.
At around 12 they started going to the park by themselves or going over to their friends houses etc.
Listen I live in a city, and we lived in an apartment until the oldest was almost 12 so the only place he could play was the park and I’d go with him and his friends and I’d hang out on the picnic area and they rode bikes on the trails etc.
Sometimes they rode the bikes around the block on the sidewalk but I’d pop my head out or sit on the very small stoop as they rode around the block.
At around 12 they started going to the park by themselves or going over to their friends houses etc.
4meAndyou · F
Seven. He had to walk to school by himself we let him outside to play with the two little neighbor boys. I learned very quickly that the neighbor boys were criminal little sadists.
One of them showed up at the door cracking a "whip" he had made out of electrical cord. I did NOT allow my son to go outside that time.
The ex's Lindy Star Sapphire ring which was the only thing he inherited from his father disappeared around that time. The same "child" was the only non-family member who had been in the house, and stupidly, it had been left on the countertop in the kitchen.
One of them showed up at the door cracking a "whip" he had made out of electrical cord. I did NOT allow my son to go outside that time.
The ex's Lindy Star Sapphire ring which was the only thing he inherited from his father disappeared around that time. The same "child" was the only non-family member who had been in the house, and stupidly, it had been left on the countertop in the kitchen.
exexec · 70-79, C
I don't remember, but it was probably when they were 5, certainly before first grade.
WandererTony · 56-60, M
5yrs old. There were other kids the same age. And they were not let out in the open. Indoors.
KungFuVixen · F
About around 5 years old in a fenced in yard
Todays parents are helicopters and don't let kids be kids
Todays parents are helicopters and don't let kids be kids
TexChik · F
They are still waiting for that day! 🤣
SomeMichGuy · M
8 - 12 weeks?
SomeMichGuy · M
@SomeMichGuy She was a puppy and I have a fenced-in area...
Adrift · 61-69, F
Probably around seven.
Usually they would just play out in the yard.
Usually they would just play out in the yard.