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Am i being a jerk here or am i right?

I went over to one of my brothers yesterday for dinner. My niece is 2 years old and literally snacks all day long. Barely any real food just puffs and crackers and sometimes a banana and she expects you to share everything with her or give it to her it was dinner time and she was wanting my pie. She didn't eat any of her dinner but wanted my pie. I said no. I told her that she doesn't get whatever she wants and that's a life lesson for her. My sister in law yelled at me for being selfish and i told her she needs to learn to eat her own food and to not mooch off others. Nobody is expected to share all the time. She grabbed my brothers icecream cone from his hand and ate it.

So im the jerk for trying to teach manners and trying to promote real food eating and not begging.
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NewRaven · 51-55, F
This kind of parenting is raising a whole crew of spoiled brats, I know of several households that are raising their kids like this. It’s sad.
NewRaven · 51-55, F
@cherokeepatti totally agree with you there. I would have spoken up too. It’s still sad that quite a few parents of young kids don’t see what monsters they’re creating.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@NewRaven It is hard to have a pleasant visit when a child is not controlled better. Have to watch them every minute you are there.
NewRaven · 51-55, F
@cherokeepatti for sure. When my kids were that little, I felt like I was hyper vigilant about my kids and their behavior.
ArtieKat · M
Some parents just shouldn't have kids!
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Why didn’t mommy slice her some pie. I wouldn’t want a toddler slobbering on my pie either. A good way to get sick is sharing food especially with those outside of your household.
MizzBella · 31-35, T
@cherokeepatti she was sticking her fingers in it
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@MizzBella geez Louise, sounds like a feral child
Tamara68 · 56-60, F
You were right, but her parents will never think so.
updown2020 · 61-69, M
Well I would say you did the right thing. But here’s the thing they raised her that way so now they have to deal with it . Snacking all day is bad because as she get older we’ll she will not be able to snack all day. And that will be there problem.
4meAndyou · F
A good rule of thumb for you and for everyone is to never try to discipline some else's child, no matter how wrong the child and the parents are...they will resent you or even hate you for it.

Leave them to it. Shake your head in private, and if you are unlucky enough to be at dinner with such a group, be sure to eat only the things that come straight from the stove, untouched.
I totally agree with you not giving her your pie! I don't know if adding the comments you did was a good idea though. It's so unlikely to get through to anyone -- least of all the little kid.
TimeStandingStill · 46-50, F
You are definitely right on this one. Not only should the child be taught boundaries but that unhealthy snacking all day is not good at all.
Catzgano · 31-35, F
I would have said no this Is for me and not lecturing the child. She’s not old enough to understand and it’s totally the parents fault at that agr
homespun2 · 70-79, M
no you are not.YOU ARE RIGHT ON THIS
ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
No, you're not a jerk. You were right to not share your food and try to teach her manners. Her parents are failing her, and she will get some tough lessons when she starts interacting with other kids.
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
She is 2 years old, right?
MizzBella · 31-35, T
Lostpoet · M
At two I'm sure your sister is just happy that she's eating.
MizzBella · 31-35, T
@Lostpoet yeah they pretty much said whatever it takes
Lostpoet · M
@MizzBella I had a nephew that way he wouldn't eat anything that wasn't candy or junk food and they tried just making him go hungry until he ate the boy almost starved to death.
Lilymoon · F
That is horrible. She'll have diabetes before she's 20. It's almost child abuse. 🤦🏻‍♀️
MizzBella · 31-35, T
@Lilymoon my brother and I came from a family where you eat whats served or not at all. No short order cookery
The kid needs consistent boundaries.

She's an unsocialized terror now, it seems.
they gonna probably regret that shit when she is 8 yrs old and weighs 260.
Her mother is her real problem!
updown2020 · 61-69, M
@NoGamesTolerated Yes you are right because she allow it and see's nothing wrong with it, But this will come to a head when the daughter starts preschool where they do not eat all day.
@updown2020 for sure
No, you’re not a jerk at all. She’s going to eventually do that at school or on the playground (because she’s not being taught otherwise) and end up getting punched. Then her parents will have to deal with that. When someone wants to share, that’s one thing. But you don’t just take their food.
MizzBella · 31-35, T
@bijouxbroussard and it shouldn't be expected either.
TheunderdogofNY · 36-40, M
Definitely not the jerk.
Lilnonames · F
No i have a friend like that as well and the kids tell her no and when they dont get they start screaming. And one hit her i gradded him and told him dont ever hit your mom. Then looked at her and told her she better get this stopped soon as when they get older she wont b able to control them. And now they mad at me
homespun2 · 70-79, M
@Lilnonames TO BAD THEY ARE MAD .But you are right.
Lilnonames · F
@homespun2 i know its sad really
homespun2 · 70-79, M
@homespun2 i have noticed that there are a lot of these younger moms.who dont seem to have a clue about what they should do with their kids....I know i screwed my own kids up some how.
When she yelled at you you should have thanked them for inviting you over and left, your response only exacerbated the issue. I would decline any future invites.

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