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This is a post for people who grew up with an easy childhood and think that everyone had it like them.

There are parents out there who will let their child’s uncle use them for sex. There are uncles out there who will let their friends use their niece/nephew for sex.

There are narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths, and murderers who have children and treat them the same way they treat anyone else.

I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve met people who think that all parents are the way they think their parents were, and just sort of go quiet when I tell them about this sort of thing.

Yes: children are neglected. Children are unloved. Children are beaten. Children are raped. Children are traumatized throughout their entire childhood, and the people who did these horrible things to them just fucking get away with it because naive people who think these things don’t happen, don’t report it. They think, “Oh, that’s such a rare occurrence that surely someone else will report it.” Meanwhile, everyone else who witnesses it, thinks the same thing.

And so children are neglected and abused and their abusers never face repercussions. It’s far more common than many people think.
You know what I'm sick and tired of seeing around here???

That stupid "When did you lose your virginity???" fucking question - like it's something good... for most people, it probably is.

In my case, I was molested by 3 males at the age of 15 - the third of which raped me. Every time I see that question, I'm flooded with memories... memories that aren't good and pleasant.

If I speak out about this, I know that some smart arse is going to say "Turn off your adult content filter, then" - but that doesn't exactly solve the problem when I and most of my friends are Dominants or submissives who have to post in those adult groups because the snowflakes can't handle it.

No one has a crumb of understanding about what it's like for me to be trapped in this gray area and the frustration that I have to live with as a result because I can't get the message or my point through to them.
kodiac · 22-25, M
@HootyTheNightOwl I hate that question ,once i answered truthfully and it killed the thread
@kodiac lmao because people expect first world life to be all hunky dory.
@kodiac I prefer not to get too detailed with my answer. Some Doms don't like me sharing too much information.
curiosi · 61-69, F
And for many their only escape is going to school. Schools need to reopen! It's the FLU it's not ebola so stop being so selfish!
@curiosi That kid's posture looks defeated.😢
curiosi · 61-69, F
@UnderLockDown I recognize it as I was same.
@curiosi school was an escape for me too 😌 I loved being at school when I had shit happen at home. All my friends was there and that’s the only time I got to have fun and be myself
kodiac · 22-25, M
When you grow up in foster care everything you described is reality .Everything. I see people my age bitching about their parents because they don't have the latest cell phone. I want to tell them seriously?I used to post about my childhood but many times people would either not believe me or just tell me to get over it so i don't post much anymore
@kodiac smh at them.
I am lucky enough to have a very good mother who always supported me. I was a very shy kid and I got picked on a whole lot in school which was the cause of most of my loneliness and confidence issues as a kid, but not because of anything bad at home. But my mother treated me good because she herself did not have a good childhood, she had a very abusive alcoholic father and also got raped as a teenager. She didn’t want to believe in the sentiment that kids who are abused always grow up to be abusers themselves, and she wanted me to have it better than she did. I am very thankful for that and I know I am also very lucky.
We grew up in poor neighborhoods mostly, and my mom was pretty much the only one of the parents around who really cared sadly. Most of the other parents didn’t really care about their kids, they let them run the streets and get into trouble and get hurt and do whatever they wanted as long as they stayed out of the parents’ hair.
@SinlessOnslaught I wouldn’t call being the laughing stock of the school and getting picked on every day a “good” childhood necessarily, but I know it was better than a lot of others had it. I never had trust issues or felt unsafe in my own home. I despise the parents out there who do those kinds of things or let things like that happen to their own children. I have a son and I couldn’t even imagine letting something terrible like that happen to him.
@SW-User I see. I’m sorry.
@SinlessOnslaught Thanks, but I guess it helped make me stronger in the long run, taught me that I can get laughed at and pushed around by everyone around me and still get back up and keep on trucking. I went to college and have a successful career now. My 20s and early 30s were full of a lot of anxiety and short temperedness, but I learned to control my emotions better as I got older.
The ones who couldn’t trust their own family had it much worse than me still. I am sorry for what they had to go through.
PaleandPolluted · 36-40, F
My childhood was happy for the most part.

I've heard horrific things though. People being sexually abused by their own family and some think it's normal, that's so heartbreaking. I didn't realise it was that prevalent until recently ☹

If anything people should at least have their family.

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