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wackidywack · 26-30
do you think you can sit them down and talk about how you feel, about how you would like to be more open? Communication is a calm two way street. maybe you can set it up
Effloresce · 26-30, F
@wackidywack I’ve been thinking about trying to do that today or at some point in the near future. Things have been pretty calm for a while so I think now would be the best time to go about it
wackidywack · 26-30
@Effloresce that's good, godspeed my dude. it'll be okay
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Take it a little at a time
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
I've kind of avoided asking about your parents too intensely because I know they are a gigantic source of fear and anxiety for you.
Why is the relationship so strained?
Why is the relationship so strained?
Effloresce · 26-30, F
@Miram thank you for your reply. It does help knowing that my siblings have my back and feel the same way. Now that we’re all older I think it might be easier to try to fix everything
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@Effloresce Okay. Well finally... what is your remedy?
like if you were to ask them to do something beyond fundamentally change their personalities (which obviously can't happen) what would you ask from them?
like if you were to ask them to do something beyond fundamentally change their personalities (which obviously can't happen) what would you ask from them?
Effloresce · 26-30, F
@CountScrofula mostly just to try to listen to things I have to say without jumping to conclusions about things. At this point I think it’s mostly an issue with myself. They’ve shown a few times that they can be listen to me and understand my perspective on things, I’m just unable to escape from the fear of their judgement. Idk mannnn I’m sure I’ll figure it out at some point
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Hmmm. I'd say pick a place where there's neutral ground. If they wouldn't sit down with a therapist as a mediator, try going out for a bite to eat at a diner or something to test the waters. Realize that not all chasms can be bridged, and you can only lead a horse to water. But, what you are doing is *very* important and says a lot about your character.