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Would you give $50 to a sibling who doesn't even talk to you to help them pay their rent?

My dad keeps asking me to give my sister $50 even though she lives with her boyfriend. What is a boyfriend for if he can't even give you $50 to help pay the damn rent??
NativeOregonian · 51-55
Blood kin doesn't mean shit to me, no, I would not. Both my older brothers mooched off me during my senior year of high school when we shared an apartment.
Shell · 31-35, F
Difficult situation this. It would be good of you to do so but it also sounds unfair.
I hope if you do so your father and your sister will remember and appreciate that you helped her regardless of the situation. I hope it doesn't become habit. Or that you feel grudgingly about it that you bring it up a lot afterwards. If you do it, remember but let go of the grudge, don't bring it up.
Shayla · F
I have loaned my sibling money, as have most of our relatives. She doesn't pay it back and eventually people start refusing to give her any more. She's getting desperate for money now and has burned most of her bridges.
No. You're not responsible for taking care of your sister, especially one that doesn't talk to you. Tell your father, as a parent, it's his job to help you too, not guilt you into helping your sibling who needs to learn how to stand on her own two feet, like you're doing. She'll never learn how to take care of herself if everyone bails her out. And, she has chosen to cut you out of her life. He shouldn't be encouraging you to be her doormat.
Ewitsu · F
No, if they don't cook, do laundry, pay bills or anything to help you then no
4meAndyou · F
Just smile and say you'll take care of it as soon as you can, and then forget about it.
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You are a good mum. Not a pushover at all. I agree with doing what you’ve done. I’d do the same. Sorry for what has happened, but she will come around sooner or later. ❤️@SW-User
Keeper · M
Nope. The least she could do is ask for it herself.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@Keeper right. And she didn't
There was a time that I would have, but not now..
I sure wouldn't. If they can't be polite enough to talk to you then they need to work it out for themselves. How come your dad doesn't give her the money if he's so sure she needs it? I mean he made her after all.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@SW-User she needs a few hundred. He's pitching in..
@iamnikki Oh i see. But like you said, if she lives with her bf, how come he's not pitching in? It does sound complicated.
If you can afford to give...

I would suggest you give $50 to your dad and let him give it to her.

The money comes with a message so to speak (or not speak).
No way. I’ve given my brother $3000 to help pay for car repairs. That was 4 years ago. After reminding and pleading with him he still owes $1700. I told him never again.
Similar situation. I've given more than that. Even when I hate my sisters at times, I drop everything to help them when they need it.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@SW-User they don't talk to me. No falling out, they just dont talk to me
curiosi · 61-69, F
I would, because it is for MY soul.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@curiosi yea, my dad told me " 50 is not gona hurt you" which is true. But shes been paycheck to paycheck for years. She lived with us for 10 months, moved out on income tax in march and is struggling cause she cant keep a job. And again, she lives with a "man"
curiosi · 61-69, F
@iamnikki If you don't want to then you shouldn't. It sounds as if you don't want to but dad wants you to.
absolutely. Even if i didn't like the. I will always help out family.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
Maybe, if I wanted to help her. Dont expect it back, dont expect gratitude from either one. Dont give it if you can't spare it. Only if you want to help her.
Ahhhstevee · 22-25, M
It’s all irrelevant. You do what you can for family.. always
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 26-30, F
If I didn’t have a good relationship with them I’d have to think about it. Personally I’ve given cash to peeps I wasn’t a fan of & then every time they need money since they thought I was a bank
strongbow · 46-50, M
No way no how

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