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Do you come from a big family?

Like aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, cousins out the wazoo, nieces and nephews?
I hardly have family anymore so it makes it difficult, but then I see massive families fight and argue and I’m thankful for peace.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
We got a big old Catholic family
popmol · 22-25, M
well i have a terribly big family andi love them all but well we consider everyone family doesn't matter how far down the line.

i think on my mothers side theres easily 200 people
popmol · 22-25, M
@MissMollyCharlotte0702 i think i can already count fourth and maybe fifth. because if you look at the line in my family that i'm on as in a grandson of my grandfathers brothers and sisters well i'm the youngest with thte second youngest being 30 years old so i can count to a fourth and fifth one.
That’s a big family. You don’t get these people together at Christmas do you?@popmol
popmol · 22-25, M
well no thats what the camping thing is for and christmas is with my fathers family and my grandmother on that side has 12 brothers and sisters so once she did a party with everyone she had more people then my mothers side with almost 350 people. but i hardly know a 100 of them haha.
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
Not a very big immediate family, but a very big extended family, yes. My dad is the second oldest of 14, so I have lots of aunts, uncles, and cousins on his side. And my mom's mom was the oldest of nine, so I have lots of second cousins on her side.

Yeah, there can sometimes be drama at family gatherings (and behind the scenes stuff that I hear about through the grapevine), but overall my big extended family really is a blessing.

But yeah, some peace and quiet is nice too.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Let me put it to you this way. When Grandma died instead of listing all of children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren. We just put mother of a small nation.
Yes you could say I have a big family. There is 90 of us in Virginia, Texas 4, I don't even have a number for Florida, or South Carolina. We are never all together at the same time
Topumasum · 26-30, F
I did. A joint muslim family with grandma, three uncles, their wives, their kids. Thank the fucking gods we moved. Cant stand them
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
i have a big family but they all blocked my home family out after my grandma passing 12 yrs ago
Let me guess....over money and material things@whateverhappens
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Once had a large family. Now I have none. I suppose they are still are a large family. Except without me.
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@DeWayfarer I'm sorry to hear that. Some of us end up having to build our own families, sometimes with people who aren't necessarily blood-related. That saying "blood is thicker than water" isn't always true. :(
Yup. My mom had 10 sibling and they all had at least 3 kids and most of us had 3-4 kids. Family get togethers are chaotically wonderful.
Zoranna · F
Yep, I sure do but thankfully I live alone so I can come home for peace and quiet. :-)
Scarboroughfair · 51-55, F
Same as you and I totally agree with you on being thankful for the peace.
Yes! Both sides 😺😺😺 it can be fun
Yes. A big one and well connected.
valhalla · M
A lot of them have died.
Huuuuuuuuuuuge. Immediate includes eight siblings and twenty nieces and nephews. Way too many cousins and aunts and uncles to count.
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
Fairly large. Three brothers and I in my immediate family.
My two brothers are at home in the states. I rarely see them or talk to them. @MrsKatherineArch
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
@MissMollyCharlotte0702 Mine are still out in California raising their own families. I talk to them occasionally.
No, though if all my siblings had survived it would be 8 people total
Carver · 31-35, F
Nope. I have a very small family.
chrisCA · M
My parents had eight.

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