smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
How old is she
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Miajackson · 46-50, F
@SakuraShimeji might try that
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Miajackson · 46-50, F
@SakuraShimeji i will try viniger a bit later

Stop trying to stop it. She'll stop on her own
Jlhzfromep · M
Put vegetables on it, no kid likes vegetables..haha
Miajackson · 46-50, F
@Jlhzfromep tried that, didnt work
Jlhzfromep · M
@Miajackson find something of interest to her that will take both her hands to do
Miajackson · 46-50, F
@Jlhzfromep oh thats a good idea
mellanyfrost · 26-30, F
Hot sauce on the thumb
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
@mellanyfrost how funny. I did that to my son and he stopped
metalicblack · 46-50, M
find an app that calms her and give her equal time with the app as she gives without sucking her thumb and tell her if she ants to use the device she can not suck her thumb. Baby steps but five min. equals ten equals twenty. Thats what i have had to do to get my sons behaviors undercontrol
metalicblack · 46-50, M
thats good draw on them for ways to bring that into the home as well keep on the same page as much as you can to keep balance between the two every little thing is a step forward even when you think it might be a step back
Miajackson · 46-50, F
@metalicblack i have copied them they use these cards with pictures on them and get her to say whats on them or read simple words out loud
metalicblack · 46-50, M
one thing we did is set up a google account for him we use the drive to store his pictures and things that he likes to look at and the email is just for communication with his school that way nothing gets lost and we can go back and track behavior everyday his teacher writes a short email to us about his day and any issues and every night we writes her an email doing the same and CCing it to his account so that we keep a chronological record
rckt148 · 61-69, M
I put socks on their hands ,
tried everything else and nothing worked
but for bugger eating ,nail chewing and thumb sucking it did work
my Granddaughter comes in all bold ,hands on her hips
Papaw socks go on feet ,they do not belong on hands (she knows Mom is behind her in the hall ,so she has back up LOL)
yes dear you are right ,,and when you stop sucking your thumb and eating buggers then you will only wear yours on your feet too ,,but until then
Her Mom is the one who told her to tell me that ,but when her Mom heard my answer ,she supported me and soon the problem was solved
tried everything else and nothing worked
but for bugger eating ,nail chewing and thumb sucking it did work
my Granddaughter comes in all bold ,hands on her hips
Papaw socks go on feet ,they do not belong on hands (she knows Mom is behind her in the hall ,so she has back up LOL)
yes dear you are right ,,and when you stop sucking your thumb and eating buggers then you will only wear yours on your feet too ,,but until then
Her Mom is the one who told her to tell me that ,but when her Mom heard my answer ,she supported me and soon the problem was solved
AnukBinary · M
How old is the child?
AnukBinary · M
@Miajackson oh okay, thanks for telling me. Its probably a security habit that makes her feel calm and safe in a comfort zone. Rather it be consciously or subconsciously.
Maybe try and replace it with something else that will peak her interest and keeps her hands busy.
One thing you should not do, is criticize, talk down, or mock her thumb sucking. It could make things worse and turn it into a nervous tick.
Maybe try and replace it with something else that will peak her interest and keeps her hands busy.
One thing you should not do, is criticize, talk down, or mock her thumb sucking. It could make things worse and turn it into a nervous tick.
Miajackson · 46-50, F
@AnukBinary i never mock her i just tell her its not good to suck her thumb
AnukBinary · M
@Miajackson That's good. I had a cousin who sucked his thumb at that age. I remember my aunt kept his hands busy to help out
PepperMint · 26-30, F
Thumb sucking is related to anxiety. Most people don't know that. Never ever shame a child for the habit, it'll Worsen the condition. Consult a pediatrician.

@PepperMint The thumb like a teddy bear is what is known as a transitional object, not necessarily related to anxiety but perfectly OK. Involve doctors and it becomes a big problem
PepperMint · 26-30, F
@SW-User Probably. Except that Ive had a similar problem and developed an anxiety disorder and have panic attacks even today. Everyone used to think it's a habit Im not even trying to break. Although ofcourse I agree it may not always be related to anxiety.

@PepperMint Thumb sucking is a comfort, related to attachment as far as I know. If it was an issue for you and then now you have anxiety issues, maybe there was a lot of insecurity in your childhood, and sorry if that is so.
Bluesky53 · 61-69, M
put garlic on it,that's the generation i'm from,i had a cousin that did that,
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put salt on it
Fernie · F
There's probably going to be a wacko or two telling you to put cayenne pepper on the kids thumb. A child psychologist would know...otherwise, if you haven't already I'd research/google it
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sassypants · 36-40, F
Hand puppets during to keep their hands and minds occupied and help to break the habit. Mine were worse about sucking at night. They just stopped on their own.
mathsman · 70-79, M
Ignore it
Where possible praise when not sucking it
Where possible praise when not sucking it
Miajackson · 46-50, F
@mathsman thats the problem, she sucks it most the time.
mathsman · 70-79, M
@Miajackson catch her when she's not, it'll pass anyway, all such things do, the worry lies with you at the moment, not with her, lol
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
Let her suck her thumb.
If she finds it to be soothing to her, then just simply LET her.
If she finds it to be soothing to her, then just simply LET her.
Haha all my cousins on the east coast suck their thumbs 😄😄

@SStarfish How to screw up a child, and hate her parent
Mrblue123 · M
Cut the thumb off 😂😂
xSharp · 31-35, M
cover it in something bitter or duct tape mittens onto his hands, if he doesn't stop he will develop the stupidest looking buck teeth you have ever seen. not to mention the thumb sores.