My significant other won't flush the toilet because I work from home and he says that he doesn't want to disturb me but I have asked him for the past 5 months since I'm working at home to please flush the damn toilet
@REMsleep i hope he can put himself in your shoes. you seem like an incredibly diligent worker. you said hes the primary caregiver but youre the one changing the babies clothes? that is not an equal balance
Doesn’t he understand that you’ll be more disturbed when he frees his chocolate hostages and leaves them abandoned in the toilet for your viewing pleasure? 😒
STBX is working on "If it is yellow, let it mellow, if it is brown, flush it down" too.
Yeah, it's winter, but mellowing male urine stinks - more so when the guy is dehydrated to the point where said urine is brown and he won't drink water.