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Flush the Toilet

My significant other won't flush the toilet because I work from home and he says that he doesn't want to disturb me but I have asked him for the past 5 months since I'm working at home to please flush the damn toilet
Selah ·
People are full of hidden resentments and do little things like this on purpose to provoke certain responses and undermine your sanity.
Doesn’t he understand that you’ll be more disturbed when he frees his chocolate hostages and leaves them abandoned in the toilet for your viewing pleasure? 😒
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@OlderSometimesWiser I just came upon this issue and then made this post because there is no one else that I care to tell about it.
@REMsleep Glad you’re able to vent here. Sounds like the dude’s got issues like Kleenex got tissues.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Tell him he MUST do it
that even if he FARTS he must flush the chain
Frostcloud · F
why is he telling you what you want

also 🤢
Frostcloud · F
@REMsleep also i peaked at your page. the tiniest peak. you deserve better
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@Frostcloud Thanks Hun. It's a tiring subject but sometimes I come vent here
Frostcloud · F
@REMsleep i hope he can put himself in your shoes. you seem like an incredibly diligent worker. you said hes the primary caregiver but youre the one changing the babies clothes? that is not an equal balance
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deadgerbil · 26-30
Does he have issues like mentally? That's crazy lol
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@deadgerbil Ya know I really cannot say anymore lol. I'm serious
deadgerbil · 26-30
@REMsleep he needs to get his act together. Letting his stuff just sit there not flushed is wild
SeekingConnection · 61-69, M
Two can play at that game. Don't bother to flush your sanitary towels/tampons away and see how he likes it!
Not even for number 2 ? 🤢
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@SW-User Not even for numero dos
Nanori · F
Sounds like you SO has turned into your EH (Extra Headache) 🙂
Trying to teach the kids the same.
STBX is working on "If it is yellow, let it mellow, if it is brown, flush it down" too.

Yeah, it's winter, but mellowing male urine stinks - more so when the guy is dehydrated to the point where said urine is brown and he won't drink water.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Call the plumber to install one of those auto-flush toilets like they have in some public buildings/offices.
meggie · F
Does he even wash his hands?
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
This is so not okay... 😬
empanadas · 31-35, M
Im sorry but i literally pictured it as i read
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