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I Am Divorced

Today was a really tough day for me. I never had a Xmas without my family
And without my kids in my life. It was awful and I am sure I could have done things to have made it less painful
But it wasn't easy. For the most part I have slept all day. I always am sleeping a lot since my divorce unless kids are
Here. I really feel awful to my gf. I deeply regret pulling her into this situation and haveing to watch me go through the pain points and the sadness .
I feel selfish for bringing her into my life when my
Is still
Messed up
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BlueDiver · 41-45, M
Take it from someone who has some experience going from holidays with family to holidays without them - just get through it. Once the calendar ticks past it, all of the extra holiday-based depression and other feelings will disappear from your inner-sadness-cocktail. That was a weird metaphor, but I'm sure you get the idea.
Ynotjenn · F
Awww. It'll come together ❤️
Use a hug
Ynotjenn · F
I spent my first divorced Christmas (the kids lived with the dad) curled up in the fetal position, blubbering and snotty.

I know it doesn't help right now.. but it does get better.
BellaLocura · 51-55, F
The holidays make the struggles of life SO much worse. Hang in there. It WILL get better.
destinyfabulous · 36-40, F
The first holiday after divorce is always the worst, damit it really sucks...however It will get better

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