My daughter called me late last night asking me to pick her up from the gas station because she got into a fight with her bf and walked there. My thing is, mad or not, why would he let her walk at night alone.
Maybe because he can't legally stop her. God forbid he put his hands on her to make her stay. It could be seen as a teachable moment for her about poor choices.
@MyNameIsHurl Speaks to his character then. I don't know how old she is but maybe suggest she download the lift or uber app? You could put in your credit card info and if she gets in a difficult situation she will have a ride home.
@MyNameIsHurl My best friend dated a guy like that. One time he kicked her out of the car with no shoes on and made her walk to the store in the middle of summer. It was like 100 degrees outside. After that things progressively got worse. That should have been a major red flag for her. I hope things never reach that level with your daughter.