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It's 2am & I heard baby laughter coming from the room

I went to check on Naya to see if she needed a bottle or a diaper change to help her fall back asleep. When I walked in the room she was in her crib, face-down in her pillow, looking completely passed out.
For a few seconds I started thinking like "I know I just heard her laughing 🤔 could that have come from somewhere else? No way. That HAD to be Naya."
For a sec I thought maybe I was crazy or just hearing things but then in an instant, Naya's head shot up looking at me with a big ol' smile on her face like 😀

I burst out laughing because it just looked so funny 🤣 like she was already smiling into her pillow before she even looked at me. I changed her diaper & gave her a new bottle & she just smiled the whole time, making random little noises at me 😅

It's one of those moments you don't mind doing baby stuff in the middle of the night. Its the kind of thing I'll miss one day when she's bigger ❤
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BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M
I really love reading this post ..it brought a smile to my mug, reflecting on my own past experiences of being a dad when they are that little .

Crazy how time flies by with kids. Nice to know you are appreciating the moment ,
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@BobbyMoeven how old are yours now? I often think about how I'll never see her this small again. Because they only get bigger every day, y'know 🤷 makes me a little sad in a way
BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M

They are 11 and 14 ...

They are lovely .. but spending time with dad, compared to their friends .... kind of a drag 😂
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@BobbyMoeven oh yeah I can imagine 😅 that might last a while more still lol
Intuitive · 46-50, F
You're a good Dad Chief. I wish mine had been like you. She's adorable too. :)
Intuitive · 46-50, F
@ChiefJustWalks You're welcome and thank you. I am like you with my own son so it's hard for me to understand not loving your children. They are our most precious gift. :)
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@Intuitive I'm with you there. Having my daughter put most things into different perspectives for me. Some things I can understand better now, but some I just understand even less. Like how someone could not love a child, leave their child, or hurt a child.. I could just never understand
Intuitive · 46-50, F
@ChiefJustWalks Same. It's the most evil thing I can think of . Mine did the same for me.:)
Punches · 46-50, F
When I just saw the title and didn't know who's thread it was yet, it made me think of a story -

The sound of a child's laughter is very comforting. Unless you live alone.
Lilymoon · F
How I wish I could have had a Daddy like you 🤗 she loves you so much 🩷
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@Lilymoon you is sweet 🤗
Sutten · 36-40, F
Sweet! Enjoy her, they grow up fast. :)
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@Sutten she's still small but getting so big 🥹 her hair is getting long so fast too
foldedunfolding · 41-45, F
awwwww such a good daddy
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@foldedunfolding woah THERE you are 😊 I was just wondering about you the other day. Idk if the algorithm is just being garbage but I haven't seen you in a while
foldedunfolding · 41-45, F
@ChiefJustWalks aw nah not the algorithm...i havent been on as much. miss ya.
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
She was playing opossum 🤣 I love this so much
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@SwampFlower she was 😂 I kinda wonder if it was on purpose because I do that to her sometimes too. She loves playing peekaboo with my hat or a blanket. She doesn't play peekaboo with her hands, she actually hides under things or behind stuff then pops out
akindheart · 61-69, F
LOL. she got you big time. she knew you would come running
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@akindheart lol she's always doing goofy little things now it's so cute
Straylight · 31-35, F
I thought this was going to be scary for a minute.
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@Straylight so did I 😅

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