Sunday at church a lady asked if I would be interested in sitting her two children, 9 and 12. I don't have much experience with this before, do you think it's a good idea. The pay is ok and I could use the money, but the mother is also quite demanding and in my opinion have issues or ocd on how tidy and clean everything should be.
I might have forgotten to say I accepted the offer. We agreed on the terms together with my aunt this first time. It's quite a bit of responsibility, but I'm getting used to it now. And sitting is more work than I first expected, it's not just sitting around watching your phone all night. It's chores and helping out with several things that need to get done in addition to keeping the kids in line and making sure they get their chores and homework done as well. That's part of the terms at this job anyway
I think yes just as a learning experience... There are a lot of people out there that you have to learn to play nice with, even if you don't like them, sad but true... Good luck with your decision
Yes take the job after getting clear instructions on what you are to do. Babysitting/keeping the kids does not entail cleaning house and doing chores, that would be another job and responsibility. Also know what your limitations are on discipline which I think you are familiar with 🤯
Don't know unless you try. If you get the feeling she going to be drama or intense any time, you don't have to go back.
If they're good kids, and you already know them, go for it. You can always quit if it gets to be too much, or tell their mom, you need more money. Especially if cleaning needs to be done, aside from watching the children.
If that is the case, more work means more money. Don't be shy about it either, she asked you to watch kids, not clean house. Tell her you will, but you need more money. Don't let her take advantage of you.
Yes do it! It's good experience, you get paid and you help the mum out. The mess issue is easy. When mine were small I used to put a "tidy up" song on (find the longest track lol) and say we all clean up before the song is finished, cleanest is the winner... Yay! Good job kids, we all win. Failing that you can bribe them with stickers and chocolate buttons. 😂
get it written out.. tell her "so you can understand" maximum hours. any other required duties, if she is ocd she will love having a detailed list if you ar ocd, it will give you comfort
A 9 and 12 y/o should basically take care of themselves. Just plan some activities to do with them to keep them occupied. U'll do fine and have some good money for ur trouble.
Put her o na month for a trial and have it in writing what your duty are and what she expect and have your parent meet her and her kids that way yo u have second opinion
i wouldn’t be frightened of the opportunity. You will need to use a bit of psychology to get them to do what you need done but if they are good kids they want to please whoever is in charge.
Do take BrendaMom's advice and get the discipline details precisely specified. I am thinking more about the risks to your bottom! Also, be sure that your Aunt still approves and try to find out what the mom is going to report to your Aunt.
@Alfred22 I must have missed that comment... My aunt was there when we made the agreement, so she is very supportive and want me to do well and the family to be happy about the agreement and work I do
@Stubborn17 Sorry but I am very glad you and your Aunt were both present when the agreement was finalized. You should be careful at some point to ascertain how much the Aunt feels responsible for your success.
Hope the job is all you wanted it to be and more!!!!