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My family is a mess.

My parents do not love each other anymore. They refuse to get a divorce. My dad does not know how to show his emotions and my mom constantly screams at me..she did that ever since I was little. My mom is now constantly on her phone, either watching stupid videos on instagram/facebook or talking to OBVIOUSLY fake men online. My dad is always in his room on his computer. Whenever I try to get them to do something together, they always shout at me and go back to starring at their devices. I miss having a loving family, i miss spending time with them, i miss my old mom and dad. I would do anything to have my old family back.
rfatoday · 61-69, M
It’s sad when the older children/teens/young adults are more mature than their parents. We have little control over people, places, and things. Thing is, its not about you. You are your own person and a beautiful creation by God. So sorry you are going through this. I suggest reaching out and making friends who will provide the nurturing and support you need while they sort out their stuff. Good luck!
It's tough having an overbearing mother and emotionally distant father. You can't fix them. You didn't break them. You can only take care of your side of the fence. Talking openly can help you process everything that's going on. Try to grasp the joy in life even if it may not involve your family. Hang in there, it will get better for you.
PeterF15 · 13-15, M
I dont know if you are a Christian or not but you can pray and ask God for help, he always listens.
InHeaven · F
If they can’t stand each other ad it is making them do things together will only create more negativity.
Jeephikelove · 46-50, F
I’m sorry, that’s a horrible way to live. 🤗
SJones48 · 41-45, M
Message me if you’d like to talk or vent
Philip06 · 18-21, M
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F

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