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Men answer this honestly

Do you need to be in love with the mother to take care of your child? Do you have to be intimate to take care of your child and show him/her love? Why stop taking care of a child/children when the mother and you are no longer involved? Want to know why that tends happen to females after they have kids.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
You don’t need to be in love with the mother to take care of your child. You need to realize you’re a father and your relationship with your child is #1

You have to be present with your child and be your child’s role model and teacher

A real man does not stop taking care of his child/children when he and the mother are no longer involved with each other in a relationship

A real man takes care of his children, regardless of what happens with the mother, and he continues to coparent with the mother and work with the mother for the benefit of the children’s health, happiness, and future.
Onasander · 41-45, M
It's likely you are misinterpreting the situation. The husband feels estranged from the family, most likely because of a toxic combination of the wife unfairly taking the majority of custody of the kids, and the husband fkrced to pay alimony or child support, in a situation where he isn't at fault, but the local laws favor women over men with custody and blame.

I do Open Source Intelligence for histage location, but on ethical grounds don't go after Amber Alerts and fathers taking off with the kids, or run away teens, after having grown up in a very broken home with a crazy single mother who always managed to exploit the law, as countless other women did growing up. I've seen too many amber alerts where the kid was just with the dad, trying to keep their kid safe from their mother. A judge lacks moral authority here because they just enforce the law, they don't legislate, and they are willing to enforce some very sick stuff for a paycheck and social prestige. And I definately do not want to drag some poor runaway teen back into a abusive household. So these categories are usually too murky and unethical to push.

Now some guys are indeed just uncaring Aholes. Just like women. Women have laws aiding them in being evil. Bad men, I think in equal number to bad women. A bad guy is in a better position however to beat his wife or kids due to natural size and strength. Many women find a away despite theur physical disadvantage. In the area of ignoring kids and dodging responsibility, women take the lead easily. It's alot easier to get on welfare as a single mother or a wife than it is for a single father, and a woman can get away with staying at home in a nasty dirty house, ignore her kids, use drugs with her welfare checks. Guys don't have this opprotunity as much. If they are married yeah, but you don't see many men as aingle parents raising kids, staying at home or doing part time jobs. The system isn't set up for them. We are a very sexist society that irrationally favors women by default in many regions.
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
Not at all. Ive been divorced from my kids mom since they were kids, had them half the time after divorce and continue to be close to them as adults.
No. I love my kids and I see them often, despite not being involved with their mother.
I don't have kids, but I hope everyone would say of course not.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
A father who loves his children will keep in close contact with them.
Whether he has any feeling for their mother or not.

Every father is different of course.
If mother makes life difficult when it comes to arrangements for contact some might be reluctant to remain involved.
I have a crap relationship with my wife, my kids are still the priority.

I have a friendship with a single mother, I try and be an example for them when we hang out. Having a crush on her has little to do with that
If the female plays hard to get with the children, eventually the man may figure it's better to exit
in10RjFox · M
Do you need to be in love with the mother to take care of your child?

whose mother ? Mine or the Child's ?

Intimate with who ?
im trusting her with my legacy.. im pretty sure id want to like her...
ElRengo · 70-79, M
My kids were and are the stars in my sky.
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