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My older sister and mom like to say that I have internalized misogyny and don’t support women because I don’t always blindly take their sides

Saying that I think my dad is being the reasonable one in a conflict, or even just that I want to stay out of the conflict altogether, is enough to infuriate them.

I remind them that I’m the only woman in the family in the past 10 years to hold a relationship for more than a year. They say it’s another example of me “selling out for the approval of a man” and imply that I’m being abused.

I hate the examples they’re setting for my little sister who is 17. They can never keep the toxicity to themselves.
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Magnolia21 · 22-25, F
I've talked with one woman like that. Listen, you'll never appease them. They're so stuck in their own bubble that they refuse to accept any new ideas or corrections. You do you, and try to set a good example for your sister.
Magnolia21 · 22-25, F
@Mysticeve Kinda lucky, that sort of attitude doesn't fly down here. You still see one leave the safety of their college town, but they get ignored like the meth heads begging for change.
Mysticeve · 22-25, F
@Magnolia21 where is down there?
Magnolia21 · 22-25, F
@Mysticeve Southeast US. Outside of college towns, it's pretty nice. Not the hellhole they think it is up north.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
All you can do is lead by example. Good luck
popmol · 26-30, M
they sound like they would have acidic blood!
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
You have your own opinions
Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
They’re being ridiculous. You are right to hold individuals to account for their behaviour regardless of their gender.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
It's because you care about equality and not genders while they obsess over putting the entire women group on a pedistal.
Yeah…some people, when they’re in the wrong, often try to make it about something else. I’m a feminist, 40 years now. I support equal rights and opportunities for women (and for everyone else). But I’ve never supported women blindly, right or wrong. That’s not equity.
Mysticeve · 22-25, F
@bijouxbroussard I and many others appreciate your contribution.
Morrowind · 26-30, M
I mean my mother thinks I hate women too so I relate
Mysticeve · 22-25, F
Why does she think that? @Morrowind
crazy biches an i right? :)
Chickie · F
“selling out for the approval of a man”
a man hater here told me that when me and other people where calling out her bullshit the reason why I hate women is because I can't stand it when they get away with abuse, violence, and sexual predatory behavior. At this point I believe this whole "woman power" thing is a crock of shit when women still tear each other down, it's not misogyny, it's common sense.
Mysticeve · 22-25, F
@Chickie As if we can stand when anyone gets away with abuse, violence or predatory behavior. That’s exactly what my issue is, with people who do those things. Not all men, not all women.

I don’t think my sis + mom have been violent at all in the past and I don’t know about their sex lives, but I’ve witnessed them being manipulative, callous and cold before. They have been to me. My bf is the sweetest human I’ve ever met and has never been any of those things to me. We’re celebrating 2 years tomorrow.
Chickie · F
@Mysticeve Congrats you and your boyfriend for having a strong relationship many women can't be happy for other women and try to bring each other down while preaching about woman power they can't be hypothetical like that. They don't want to admit that not all men are bad.
Mysticeve · 22-25, F
@Chickie thank you :)

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