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Can our parents actions affect how we think

I have a fear of people close hiding things from me. Maybe that fear comes from dad and mother. I have always had worried about dad hiding stuff from mother. It started from when he was going to a nursing home to visit someone and would tell us he’s going to the electronic store. At that time I was around 11 years old and I thought he was cheating on my mom with a blonde girl with large breasts. Turned out that wasn’t the case but could this experience have caused me some sort of anxiety or trauma?
Of course. We learn things from our family they never intended, relationships is a big one. We learn good and bad.
Totally normal.
Absolutely. Because my mom suffered from serious mental issues I was placed into foster care several times (some of these placements bordered mental abuse and other trauma) As a result for many years I dealt with abandonment issues, co-dependent behaviors and other maladaptive behaviors.

While it's been a mental ball and chain at times, it's also reinforced empathy and compassion for others suffering similar problems which I have been able to help a few members here now and then. For that I am grateful.
Fairydust · F
Most behaviours we have as adults stem from childhood. 😌
Fifidog · 26-30, F
What kind of behaviors stem from it? All of them? @Fairydust
Fairydust · F
@Fifidog most of them yeah you take into adult life.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
My assessment is it is less about what your father did and mostly about not feeling like you could confront him about your suspicion coupled with him not being aware of your feelings. Then, when your suspicion did not test out, you harboured guilt which you have been carrying around ever since.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
No you're just a woman
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@fifidog] at that sort of tender age of eleven you should be not worrying about what your dad is up too you should of been enjoying your care free days of childhood . i can understand your worry that some like that would break up your family circle
REMsleep · 41-45, F
You sound like an anxious person in many ways. None of us can say where it began but more likely you already had some predisposition to worry and anxiety because you state that this began in early childhood. Most kids aren't worrying too much about their dad that way.
Is your mom or dad anxious?
Of course

Nurture is usually what makes a person, with nature having some role too

Unless you're also possessed by demons
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
You caught your dad lying and for a silly reason, of-course that’s going to bread trust issues in from then on.
monellla731 · 46-50, M
it is possible
it could have.
Fifidog · 26-30, F
@deathfairy I just thought of that and am curious now where that fear stems from.
Bang5luts · M
Not mine ffs..
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Sounds like something traumatic happened that caused you to mistrust your father

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