Mum & Daughter Struggles
Me and my mum are constantly speaking different languages.. We can never have a proper conversation without one of us getting worked up and arguing. It’s like she doesn’t respect that I have an opinion all because of the fact that she considers herself an open minded thinker. She disregards anything I have to say and gaslights me by saying “no, you can’t answer back to me.” or “show some respect and don’t talk back”. ITS SO INFURIATING BECAUSE SHES THE ONE WHO GETS ME WORKED UP IN THE FIRST PLACE AND THEN AS SOON AS I FINALLY BITE BACK AND STAND UP FOR MYSELF SHE THEN PROCEEDS TO TRY AND MAKE ME SHUT UP. It’s so mentally draining and it makes my skin crawl because I feel like I can never say how I feel because I get told to shut up. Smh. I don’t know what else to do?