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Sense of foreboding

Sense Of Foreboding One of my online friends lived as my neighbour in a town I never saw before and I had no family and friends.
We only held contact via landline calls.
Then one day he invited me to come to his home and I found his door unclosed and stepped in.
As soon as I stepped in I was trapped and I realised that he was a non-human, kind of a computer, I can't explain it better.
I couldn't see him, only sensed in the air that there was something very wrong and I was in danger.
On the floor in a small room I found 8 flat apparatuses that worked, they looked similar to seismographs.
I was glad when I suddenly awoke from that dream, it was 6:30 am.

The next morning I asked how he was doing and he told me that he called the ambulance at night because he was so breathless, exhausted, couldn't breath and he told me that he was connected to several machines to monitor heart, blood pressure.
His neighbour came to collect him at 6:30 am…
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
Co-incidental but eerie.

Err, you've not been reading Robert Harris' The Second Sleep, have you?

(I won't explain, so I do not spoil the story for you or anyone else.)
Rickichickie · 56-60, F
@ArishMell the only excuse would be that you have more interesting things to do than reading.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Rickichickie Actually that is true, though unfortunately I can be lazy too. Then frustrated for not getting things done!
Rickichickie · 56-60, F
@ArishMell I’d call that enjoying life. 😀
Umile · 41-45, F

Your dream was a sign.

It's funny how the details match.
Rickichickie · 56-60, F
@Umile I found it very strange back then.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
How is your friend now? Recovering well I hope?
Rickichickie · 56-60, F
@ArishMell he has a lot of health issues but struggles along.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Rickichickie It is good he has people who care about him.
helenS · 36-40, F
Coincidence 😑
WandererTony · 56-60, M
Psychic powers!!
4meAndyou · F
That is VERY weird. In your dream, you KNEW something was wrong in reality!!
Rickichickie · 56-60, F
@4meAndyou it was a bit frightening when my friend told me what happened to him and I realised that my dream sort of told me about it.
4meAndyou · F
@Rickichickie I would imagine so!!!
RedBaron · M
Huh? How could you live and have neighbors in a town you never saw before?

And a door if not closed is OPEN, not unclosed.

Maybe you’re on drugs.
Rickichickie · 56-60, F
@RedBaron your dreams always make sense?

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