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Does anyone experience sounds like footsteps and voices when they're in the early stages of sleep?

I've noticed that on a few occasions, when I'm in the sleep mode where I'm awake enough to feel as though I can hear what is going on around me, but asleep enough to where I can't open my eyes or move (or I don't try to, anyways, and I still feel "asleep"), I will hear what sounds like whispering voices and footsteps. They always sound so real.

I can clearly remember two occasions of this happening, though I'm sure there have been more I've forgotten.

The first time, it sounded like someone was walking up and down my hallway in my house, as if they were going between rooms and looking for something. There was whispering/hushed talking as well, as if they were talking to themselves about finding something. I couldn't make out any words, though. Then the steps grew louder to where I felt the person was standing not far from my bed and I felt the sense of being watched, then I swear I felt someone sit on the bed next to me and heard the bed creak. That was when I woke up and no one was there.

The second time, it sounded as if two people were walking through my house, though it sounded like they were further away, possibly in the basement. The movements sounded more hurried. I don't remember clearly how this one ended, but I believe it was similar in that it sounded like the footsteps grew closer and stopped in the doorway of my bedroom, and I felt a sense of being watched. I don't remember if I felt any sensations of anyone (or anything) being close to me, like on my bed, however. I also don't clearly remember if there were voices/whispers, though I think there might have been.

Has anyone else experienced this? I vaguely recall feeling a bit concerned, but strangely at the same time, not overly so (as in, I wondered why I was hearing these things and briefly worried about who might be in the house with me, but at the same time, I was not worried enough to move or try to break out of the sleep, and quickly dismissed it). My reaction was to just stay still. I noticed all of the noises went away when I fully awakened moments later.

Is this common in certain stages of sleep?
AdaXI · T
It's a form of sleep paralysis. When your body enters sleep mode you get something called muscle atonia which stops you from moving around when you're asleep... It's nearly always accompanied by hallucinations that other people are present and moving around close by.

It's common though, I mean a lot of people suffer from it at some point in their life.

I suffered really badly from it in my 20s when I was going to sleep. It would feel like someone was pinning me to the bed so I couldn't move and shouting at me, although I could never make out what they were saying. Eventually I'd snap out of it and be able to move again and sure enough they'd be nobody there, so after while it didn't bother me as much.

I also noticed sometimes when I was going to sleep I could feel it coming on but if I got up and briefly moved about, like just walked down the stairs and back up them again, when I went back to bed it would usually stop it from happening.
Confined · 56-60, M
House could be haunted. You only experience it when in early stages of sleep.
BnBSpringer09 · 26-30, F
@Confined Yes, I only experience it in the early stages of sleep. I've had other odd experiences in other houses during this stage of sleep, come to think of it, but not the footsteps and whispers. In a previous house, it felt like four angels were trying to pull me up by my limbs, but kept dropping them, and it sounded like laughter. In the house before that, I'd have these weird, fuzzy, black and white recurring dreams (like an old TV), one in which I'd be hit by a car and another in which a cat would attack me. The car one would repeat itself a few times, and I'd try to wave at it to get it to stop, but could never leave the roadway. With the cat one, I'd try to pet the cat, which had kittens nursing, but would hear a warning voice from a woman telling me to be careful, and then the cat would attack my face, and I'd wake up. I felt like I was just on the verge of sleep at that time, but not fully there.
Chemical imbalance in the brain can cause REM stage of sleep before body is ready for that stage. So you’re awake and asleep at same time.
BnBSpringer09 · 26-30, F
@userfawkes1105 Being awake and asleep at the same time is the best way to describe it!
@BnBSpringer09 try soothing music during bed time maybe that can help shift focus during those moments to a more tranquil place. Just an idea no scientific backing to my theory.
4meAndyou · F
Yes. There is a sort of pre-sleep stage where you can hallucinate. I hear someone knocking on my door. I also used to hear my mother calling me.
Tumbleweed · F
Yes!! That happens to me very often. I hear the slamming of a door alot as well.
BnBSpringer09 · 26-30, F
@Tumbleweed Come to think of it, I think on the second one that sounded like two people were in the basement, I think I heard what sounded like the basement door being opened and closed as well.
Tumbleweed · F
@BnBSpringer09 It happens all the time. I'll sometimes hear voices and can't really make out what they say, or I'll heqr a loud slamming of a door.
meggie · F
I live in a large, very old house. Sometimes, around 0330, I hear footsteps coming up the staircase outside my room. The.people next door (the house was divided into 2) have both had encounters with a victorian woman in a grey dress
IPmyPants · 41-45, M
Yes! But living in an apartment. it was from one of the neighboring apartments.
Someone on your bed feeling' you involuntarily twitched, and the movement made the bed creak.
BnBSpringer09 · 26-30, F
@IPmyPants I wouldn't doubt that I twitched! I've jolted myself awake several times from involuntary twitches that felt like I slipped badly and fell, or even ones in which it feels like I'm on a horse that spooks sideways very hard and fall! I used to ride horses, and that one feels very real to me! 🤣
Sylphrena · 31-35New
I haven't heard footsteps, but sometimes I hear doors slamming and it jolts me awake. Sounds just like the door from when I lived with family.
greensnacks · 31-35, F
It's part of falling asleep process, you just a tiny but more conscious than you should be at that moment
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I had a sort of hallucination of someone saying my name twice in that state.

Is this common in certain stages of sleep?

Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Alien abduction obviously.
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M

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