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They're back......

My religious/demon fighting dreams have returned. I don't know why I get these kinds of dreams but I do.

I was in my childhood home with a group of people I didn't know. There was an elderly couple, a middle aged woman and another older woman who claimed to be a psychic. The lights kept going out one by one and the old man told me something bad was coming. I immediately took charge and grabbed an old shoebox full of crayons of varying colors. I made everyone take and hold onto a yellow crayon. I had said that yellow represented light and that we needed to hold onto them and envision light. The elderly couple said it was stupid and put their crayons down. I began shouting that it wasn't stupid and that they needed to participate. I remember barking a lot of orders and shouting about light. I was shouting go back where you came from and how god will lock you away. I was clutching that crayon for dear life and the more I shouted and envisioned the light the more lights came back on in the house. It was a back and forth between me and the others vs the darkness. I saw this darkness being sealed deep underground into a place where only god knows.

Another bit I remember was seeing a large roach in my mother's room in that old house. I was in that room with the middle aged woman and she said she wasn't afraid of the roach. I said it didn't belong there and when I pointed at it with the yellow crayon and said that it didn't belong here it vanished. If I am not mistaken roaches indicate impurity.

I don't know why I have these kinds of dreams I truly don't. This is perhaps the 4th dream where I have either sealed away or destroyed some kind of demon. Everytime I wake up drained the next day and everytime I think of it for too long I become very anxious.
Ducky · 31-35, F
If this is a recurring dream, it’s oddly specific… Think it could be related to some trauma you’ve experienced?
deepblacknothingness · 56-60, M
@Ducky They're different each time. Different locations, different scenarios, different people involved and different demons. It may very well be something buried deep within I may not know how to access.
Ducky · 31-35, F
@deepblacknothingness Hope they’re not traumatic for you.
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