You're the Leader of A Survival Group in a Post-Apocalyptic World...
It can be whatever "post-apocalyptic" world you'd favor. Fall of society, zombie virus outbreak, natural disasters, alien invasion... you name it!
What basic rules and morals do you set in place for yourself/your group and why?
One of my top rules is KILL ALL ENEMIES. Never let the bad guy get away and form a following. I realize the ironic counter-productivity this could result in, but that's my rule. Death before forgiveness. Oops, I might actually be the bad guy. I get so irked when the characters in a series or movie have last minute second thoughts on finishing off the villain, and he comes back later with a loyal following to destroy shit. 😢
Another would be that everyone contributes. If you can't contribute or refuse to, you're outta here. Pretty basic.
What basic rules and morals do you set in place for yourself/your group and why?
One of my top rules is KILL ALL ENEMIES. Never let the bad guy get away and form a following. I realize the ironic counter-productivity this could result in, but that's my rule. Death before forgiveness. Oops, I might actually be the bad guy. I get so irked when the characters in a series or movie have last minute second thoughts on finishing off the villain, and he comes back later with a loyal following to destroy shit. 😢
Another would be that everyone contributes. If you can't contribute or refuse to, you're outta here. Pretty basic.