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how should you react to people if they give you 'funny' insulting replies online

should you just delete their comment then block them? what if you thought they were 'alright' because they gave you decent, respectful replies in the past, but then come over as insulting in one of your recent posts?

i sometimes do not know what to do about it, should i let it slide, give them another chance at redeeming themselves, or just block them right away but insult them first then block them?
Top | New | Old
Tumbleweed · F
Was it a definite insult? Because we can't see each other's facial expressions, nor hear each other's tone of voice so things so easily get misinterpreted here. I would message them & just ask them to make sure before you block them.
WowwGirl · 36-40, F
Without being face to face stuff can be misunderstood a lot I would just asked the person was that a insult or joke ?
Kuronekko · 41-45, F
People often tease when they start to feel comfortable with you. I know I do.
WowwGirl · 36-40, F
WowwGirl · 36-40, F
Plus everyone has bad days
i would see how well they receive the things they like to dish out. LOL
swirlie · F
You should write a response in total agreement with what they said about you, but then ask them what their point was?

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