BrandNewMan · M
A lot depends on my perceptions of them. With people like my soon to be ex-mother-in-law, I consider the source and simply minimize my exposure to them. If with someone I respect more, I tend to try to figure out why they have that perception of me and if there is anything I can/am willing to do to change it. Otherwise, again, try and minimize the contact and I always just try to be the best version of me I can.
4meAndyou · F
Your self esteem is YOURS...not theirs! How other people feel about you is not something you can control, nor should you try. Just realize that when people aren't kind, you should ignore them in real life, and block them online.
empanadas · 31-35, M
In person, I just laugh at them in their face and keep going with my day. Online I couldn't care less