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TallMtnMedic · M
Thats my goal as a csr manager, make them purr as much as possible and come back for more even if they dont.
@TallMtnMedic it's an awesome feeling, it makes a whole difference
TallMtnMedic · M
@SW-User Definitely. Gotta know how to read the person you're speaking to. All about listening all the time and empathy when needed.
@TallMtnMedic when people enjoy what they're doing... Or value the clients is awesome
Elizabeth28 · TVIP
Good customer service is key and so nice to have glad to hear everything was nice.
@Elizabeth28 feels amazing
Exactly 💯
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Hahaha I love the imagery
@MartinTheFirst haha seriously I get so so mad when they don't treat me well or when I see them treating them in bad ways
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I'd hate to get on your bad side.
@uncalled4 that happens rarely cause I'm a peaceful person