NightTimeWolf · M
I would avoid physical confrontation if possible, but maybe take up boxing. It teaches how to control aggression and stay focused, also very good for fitness which helps reduce tension.
LysanderFremont · 36-40, M
Thank you. I tried boxing a while back, but the gym coach was not a good teacher. I will look that up though.
NightTimeWolf · M
@LysanderFremont: Yeah I think poor tuition is probably commonplace in many gyms, it is finding a good one. Best wishes.

Krav Maga training did the trick for me..try martial arts.first thing you learn is self control
LysanderFremont · 36-40, M
Thank you. I have always felt that was the route I needed to take. Is there anything to do before the physical training aspect? Meditations, reading materials, etc.?

@LysanderFremont: nah,just walk in there. They will tell you what to improve..After the first training you will feel exhausted,but you'll be fine after a few weeks
Squririelseekschipmunk · 70-79, F
Well, Always Fight a,Man with balls. Don't fight skunk, lije, gods of Route 66..