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Those of us in the U.S. voting for Joe Biden....

Are you concerned about his age? I hope he wins but he definitely isn't getting any younger, and being a president is already a stressful job to begin with.
I’m not concerned about his age. In the primary I voted for Bernie Sanders and he’s older. Trump is no spring chicken himself, and I just want him gone.
Northwest · M
@BananaBrown I don't either, but I can't help note the hypocrisy of his fat ass calling out women who may not weight 115 Lbs.
@BananaBrown I know exactly what you’re saying. I don’t usually do that either, but part of Trump’s true ugliness is that he attacks people’s looks and weight (especially that of women) who disagree with him. So he really deserves it.
JeanAnna · F
@BananaBrown 👍️
yeronlyman · 51-55, M
@thedarkside abysmal negligent leadership during the pandemic may very well cost Trump his previously likely second term...

Northwest · M
@thedarkside Out of curiosity, what things did he make happen?
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Fernie · F
The orange lifeform is almost 75....insane and completely out of shape. Joe will be around and coherent much, much longer than he will. PLUS... Obama will be in the background when Joe wins...I feel safer already
SubstantialKick · 36-40, M
@Fernie Good points, haha.
Yes. But nearly everyone in the government is dying of old age. Nobody wants the job anymore except those that want power.
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I just hope he doesn't pick fucking Kamala Harris because I will NOT vote for a fucking former prosecuter if she wins the nomination when Biden leaves office and we all know the best way to become president is to be picked VP by the incumbent and if Kamala Harris is the Democrats nomination after YEARS of my trying to tell the party the republicans don't like you, they actively hate you and it doesn't matter how much you pander to conservative voters you will NEVER win enough of them over to win, they Go with their instinct to be even HARDER on Crime than the Republicans in order to not Get Willie Hortoned I'm FUCKING GONE.

I will NOT VOTE For her if she's the nominee and I do not CARE what friends I lose for it. I don't care how ANGRY and BITTER They are at me for it, GET REKTED. Fuck her

And more over I'm sick of this assassine notion that if we won't vote for a Woman Democrat we're Sexist, Like how a woman spent her life shouldn't matter to us at all only that she has a Vagina!!

And I'm The sexist? I won't vote for her because I know the state has DESTROYED the lives of non violent drug offenders and Kamala harris built her Career off ruining their lives, what WOULD be sexist is voting FOR HER just because she has a Vagina.
Fernie · F
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@Fernie Have yourselves a swell little election I get my Fucking State ID back pretty fucking shortly from now @LvChris

You see I'm done waiting around for the politicians to save me.

I will have my money back soon to start my business.

I am a number of days away from actually being able to launch and quiet frankly all of the people who disagree with me who hate me who dislike me who dismiss me well...


Money talks, I'm out.
Good question. Biden is in much better shape than Trump, though. You can just look at Trump and tell that see is horribly out of shape.
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@geoam1 That’s not necessarily so, but at least it won’t be the Russians.
Northwest · M
I will give you an answer after he announces his VP pick.
@Northwest Kamala.
Northwest · M
@bijouxbroussard I was being sarcastic. Though the ticket is lopsided.
curiosi · 61-69, F
Biden isn't coming out of his basement, he as already said as much. Will be accepting the nom from the DNC from his basement.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
Fairly unconcerned.
Azlotto · M
He will not get my vote.

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