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Which is worse?

Poll - Total Votes: 42
Being blocked without any warning or explanation
Having someone just stop talking to you or acknowledging your IMs
Having someone disappear from SW without any warning or explanation
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All three of these have happened to me recently and they all hurt.
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There are people who can live in the same house for fifty years, raise children together. and never really know each other and never really care to know.

There are people who can interact with others on an informational or entertainment level without letting them in. There are others who can feel attached by a connection, however weak that connection may seem to others, and be hurt when it breaks. It's not a matter of right or wrong, it's determined by personality type. Either kind of personality could be argued to be the stronger.
Chap0406 · 41-45, F
@Mamapolo2016 Yes very true!
Gusman · 61-69, M
I do not find any of those choices anything to be upset over. These people are internet acquaintances. I picked the first one.
I would simply move on myself
I'm really sorry you have had those things happen to you! Hugs. All of them are hurtful and I'm currently dealing with the second and third issue as well. I think the second one hurts more because I still see them around, interacting with others, just not with me.... without any explanation despite my inquiry.
Chap0406 · 41-45, F
@SW-User so sorry hugs 🤗
@Chap0406 🤗 Thanks. I think most of us have experienced it at least a time or two.
Chap0406 · 41-45, F
@SW-User For sure and i am sure most everyone has.. Just that some act like it doesn't bother them! 🤦‍♀️
TrishaS66 · 56-60, F
Some people just need to express with at least an answer instead of leaving U hi and dry.
All of the above.
Eternity · 26-30, M
I have the emotional capacity of a frayed shoelace. None of the above affect me much at all.
It happens to us all on here, you're not the only one. People can get away with being effin rude on here. Forget about it and have fun without them. They weren't real friends anyway. Their loss.😉
Sorry this has happened to you! I've had all these things happen and they all hurt. Hopefully you'll find a way to move past the hurt.
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Chap0406 · 41-45, F
@PainfulTruth ✌️ you too!
@PainfulTruth It seems to me that the one who needs to grow up is the one who feels it's necessary to kick a person while they're already down. Seriously, why do you have to say anything at all if you're just going to be cruel?
Gumbodidlo · 56-60, C
Only the last one,as it would be nice to know they're ok, the others don't bother us at all
laotzu92 · M
The one in the middle is the hardest to bear. It leaves one wondering about the cause.
2cool4school · 46-50, F
I'd say the 2nd two seem worst to me idk why ?? Maybe I've been blocked enough I'm numb to it lol.
Sorry for that but I'd just chalk it up as their mistake and loss not yours. Still I know what you mean on all 3 :/. Make new friends 😊👍
SabrinaL · 26-30, F
Understand that people suck, say “fuck it” and move on.
Middle if person was a good conversationalist...
Otherwise block away... I will survive hey hey ...
These have all happened and hurt in their own way, just as badly.
Chap0406 · 41-45, F
🤗🤗 Sorry sir!
samnsi · 41-45, C
All three x
Ynotjenn · F
Having someone disappear :/
I’m sorry you’ve had that experience. I have too, actually. The third situation is probably the only one I wouldn’t take personally, although the second one might not personal either. People sometimes take their time replying to PMs.
Peaches · F
I think being blocked without warning or any kind of explanation.😔 It's also crappy to be blocked because of gossip.👎🏼Some people follow like blind sheep.🐑

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