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Yup the world is getting much smarter😳

Matt85 · 36-40, M
talk about just getting on with it.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
The guy behind stops real quick the guy in front is going to be on the ground. 😂
WillaKissing · 56-60
@Degbeme What if the guy in front brakes hard and guy in back gets if voice box crushed!
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@WillaKissing Either way I want to see it in slow motion. 😬
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Definitely the top of the food chain!!
being · 36-40, F
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
You got to ask yourself, why are they carrying a ladder that way?

They can't moving that way for legitimate reasons.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Pretty soon the California DMV will follow suite
WillaKissing · 56-60
The Beauty of the process of natural selection.
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
Thailand license plates
Why women outlive men. There, I fixed your headline for You.

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