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What do you do when you wake in a panic in the middle of the night?

My dreams weren't even that bad, but I'm panicky. ,🙄🙄
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I kinda pray? Not really though, i just kinda talk to "God", whoever that may be. It calms me somehow.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I don't even remember when did that happen to me the last time. I used to have it as a kid regularly but it stopped. Now I do have bad dreams but I don't panic, even if something really bad happens in them.
ElRengo · 70-79, M
The only one time was a nightmare about being still married to my first one.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
I watch something funny/mind numbing on Netflix to distract myself
itsok · 31-35, F
Turn on the lights
Take panic attack meds
Talk to someone to ground myself
Pet my dog
Turn on a kid’s movie
ArminArlert · 26-30, M
@itsok Turn on a kids movie is probably a good idea. 🙂
DestroyerOfIdeologies · 26-30, M
oh I love to panic. I panic some more.
Kenna123 · 18-21, F
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
The first thing I do is orient myself by looking at my favorite stuff that I keep in my room.

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