Dream last night
It was a weird recurring nightmare. I stepped outside to find there was a massive black hole in the sky. Nobody knew what it was. The dream would always end with something happening with that hole.
The first time some guy somehow jumped INTO the hole which was going to cause this equivalent to a nuclear apocalypse but I stopped it. I just was like no cut that out and it stopped. Lol.
The second time I think in the dream I was bragging about how I could just handle it if things went south. My younger brother behind me got possessed by a demon that was basically like "oh really" at me. It was a CREEPY possession like all the color drained from him and around him and the dream was very vivid showing his disfigured grey demon face. I think in the dream my response to the demon was "I will make you suffer" (why was that my response dream self omg) but it just smiled and I woke up.
I fall back asleep. The black hole is back in the sky. I apologize for how I behaved with the entity earlier and asked if he wanted to talk. The black hole formed the shape of an enormous man's face and he looked at me. But I just woke up.
I fell back asleep. The black hole was back. I once again tried to reach out to the entity. But this time the black hole began to expand to fill the entire sky with all these bizarre twisting patterns on it.
I tried to call to the entity twice more with the same effect as I kept having this dream. Eventually I gave up because I was getting no response it felt like.
I was never able to actually get rid of the black hole in the sky it was just like I could push it off from blowing up if I wanted.
I don't even know how to interpret all that lol.
The first time some guy somehow jumped INTO the hole which was going to cause this equivalent to a nuclear apocalypse but I stopped it. I just was like no cut that out and it stopped. Lol.
The second time I think in the dream I was bragging about how I could just handle it if things went south. My younger brother behind me got possessed by a demon that was basically like "oh really" at me. It was a CREEPY possession like all the color drained from him and around him and the dream was very vivid showing his disfigured grey demon face. I think in the dream my response to the demon was "I will make you suffer" (why was that my response dream self omg) but it just smiled and I woke up.
I fall back asleep. The black hole is back in the sky. I apologize for how I behaved with the entity earlier and asked if he wanted to talk. The black hole formed the shape of an enormous man's face and he looked at me. But I just woke up.
I fell back asleep. The black hole was back. I once again tried to reach out to the entity. But this time the black hole began to expand to fill the entire sky with all these bizarre twisting patterns on it.
I tried to call to the entity twice more with the same effect as I kept having this dream. Eventually I gave up because I was getting no response it felt like.
I was never able to actually get rid of the black hole in the sky it was just like I could push it off from blowing up if I wanted.
I don't even know how to interpret all that lol.