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Something I noticed today ☹️ ⏳

I was FaceTiming with my mom a while ago, and it kinda hit me

As I’ve grown older, moved out and started living my own life
She has grown and aged too.

Time waits for no one, and I knew that but when I was staring at her I got really emotional 🥺 There will be a day when she’s no longer with us… and it’s something I’ll have to learn to deal with 💔

Then she started judging my outfit again and roasting me for being too emotional and she brought me back to reality 😐😂
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bijouxbroussard · F Best Comment
I recently went through that with my mother, and it was difficult. Mom was one of the wittiest people I’ve ever known and seeing her deteriorating was heartbreaking.

As much as I miss her, I know she would not have wanted to linger in that state. So the fact that she didn’t suffer for long is positive.

My father’s memory is going, but not in the way Mom’s did. Pop forgets things like the names of tv shows; but he knows who he is and who we are. Even when he calls us the wrong daughter’s name he knows he’s speaking to his children. 😊

Definitely enjoy your mother, roasts and all. When I wore tennis shoes with a dress (coming home from work on the subway) Mom would shake her head. I’d give anything to see that expression one more time. 🥺

Dealing with aging parents and facing their mortality can be very challenging, a reality that’s tough to face. But it can also underscore the need to treasure them while they’re still here with us. Even when they’re aggravating! 🙂
Ashly · 26-30, F
@OlderSometimesWiser that’s so true, make the most out of the time we have left and understand that it’s inevitable, but cherish them in the meantime ♥️
It gets worse... my mom used to have the best memory that I knew, and if you gave her 5 minutes she could repeat word for word for word, of what was said earlier.

But sadly her mind is going, we believe it's the start of Alzheimer's disease
Ashly · 26-30, F
@sstronaut keep on insisting, if it’s something she actually needs she’ll realize it eventually ☹️
@Ashly I'll try, but I think she'll just keep making excuses
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@sstronaut I am so sorry, my Mom has early on set dementia so I get it 🩷.
I get that lol my mom hated what I wore.

I miss her so much though. Enjoy every moment bestie 🤗
Ashly · 26-30, F
@Bexsy I will bestie ♥️🤗
Ducky · 31-35, F
A couple years back, my mom was having issues with low iron levels, which can be serious like internal bleeding or cancer. It ended up being a hiatal hernia, common among people her age, that was an easy fix through surgery. But it really hit me that my mom's getting on in age too and made me realize I'm really not ready for her to be having typical health problems that comes with her age. Thankfully, she's been doing perfectly fine since, but I'm not looking forward to her getting older. 😔
Ashly · 26-30, F
@Ducky I’m sorry ducky 😢 it’s something that no child wants to admit, but life waits for no one unfortunately
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I didn`t get to see my father age, he died suddenly at 65. My mother made it to 86 and it was sad to see her deteriorate , she passed due to stomach cancer.
Ashly · 26-30, F
@Degbeme 🥺💔
This is a hard realization..

My dad passed away 11 years ago, and I kinda feared the same for my mom ever since. That fear paralyzed me (not literally) at one point.. i managed to pushed those thoughts out of my mind, but as i get older and feel myself getting older, i cant help but start fearing that scenario again.

And i know what i should be doing is spending more time with her (like any other reasonable person) but instead I maybe visit her once a month..and when i do, i barely talk to her (ive never actually been close to her or trusted her enough to confide in her) . But shes my mom so theres a bond thatll always be there.

Here's for another 100+ healthy years to all our family members 🍻
Ashly · 26-30, F
@SW-User I’m so sorry for your dad’s passing, it’s been years but I’m sure the pain feels the same 💔 please cherish your mom 🥺
@Ashly thanks.. i try. But empathy is hard for me.. the love is there, i just dont know how to feel it
Yup I noticed my dad getting older too, hair used to not have a lot of greys, now it's near fully white. It's really sad how time gets us all. So I completely understand how you're feeling and where you are coming from.
Hotchocolatezebra · 31-35, F
I've had the same thoughts about my parents. I try not to think about it too much.
Ashly · 26-30, F
@Hotchocolatezebra I never really noticed it until today 🥺
My moms is getting older 😔
Hotchocolatezebra · 31-35, F
@Ashly There really isn't anything we can do about it except love and appreciate them 🤗.
Gusman · 61-69, M
I get a shock when celebrities drop out of the limelight then I see an up to date picture of them. My how they age, almost unrecognisable.
@Gusman Yes. When Kobe Bryant died I was genuinely in shock.
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Ashly · 26-30, F
@SW-User it’s ok girl, you’re right
It’s the circle of life
I’m young now but i will be older tomorrow and the next day. It’s just how life works
@Ashly True Maybe we do live forever though just not in this body. I'm not religious or believe in any particular "god" but I would like to believe we descend else where after we depart from this one. :)
Ashly · 26-30, F
@SW-User Same ♥️🕊️
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Some things don't change
Pfuzylogic · M
I wish my Mom was settled down. She is married and still acts like she is a playa! 😂
Ashly · 26-30, F
@Pfuzylogic no way 😂
Let her enjoy it while she has it lol 🤷🏻‍♀️
Pfuzylogic · M
@Ashly Narcissism mixed with a touch of delusion can be such a gift.
Ashly · 26-30, F
@Pfuzylogic Omg 🤭 lol
My mom passed away a couple years ago. It was really rough. It gets easier but yeah no matter how much time you have with someone it never feels long enough.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I hate thinking about that stuff too but you’re right about it.

My Mom has early on set dementia so she’s alive but basically gone because she goes in and out of being lucid. Cherish the time you have 🩷.
empanadas · 31-35, M
I can relate so much. My aunt who was basically like a second mom to me. Took me in when I was kicked out my parents home. I was so focused on my goals I didn't visit her as often as I should. She died from covid and I wasn't even allowed to visit her in the hospital nor go to her funeral. Make sure you spend as much quality time with your love ones. You never when they will leave
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SandWitch · 26-30, F
Also remember that any photograph you take of a person or anytime you FaceTime with someone, the image of that person is only presented to you in 2D, which is two-dimensional.

Still cameras and FaceTime computer cameras are not capable of reproducing images in 3D (three dimensional) which is how our eyes see everything in 3D.

FaceTiming with someone is like staring at their 2D image within a picture frame on your wall as it talks to you and you see their lips move. Is that how you want to remember someone in 2D, if it was the last time you ever saw them?
Ashly · 26-30, F
@SandWitch I understand what you’re saying
I visit her a few times a week so it’s not like I don’t see her
But it was just during that call when I noticed how she’s aged
SandWitch · 26-30, F
Yes, I understand your entire point as well.

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