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I Feel Alone

Well, I'm currently going through a rough break up. We were together for four years, and my life is pretty much shit right now :) Friends have tried their best to be supportive I guess, but I don't think any of them understand how truly depressed and alone I feel right now. All I do is go to work at my shitty part time cashier job where im overworked at the same time? I'm broke and he took my dog lol. You forget how lonely sleeping alone is. Also im convinced that everyone is untrustworthy, not genuine and just generally shallow and only care about themselves :) I'd love to be convinced otherwise but I don't see that happening anytime soon. Nobody is going to give a shit about this post but why would i expect any less LOL. Ive started smoking cigarettes again and just about all hope is lost :) Really though, I'm okay.
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This happened to you for reason ,the reason is to start depending in yourself no one else can help you do that but you .Friends are here to support you but all the rest of the work is depending on you .leave the past behind you and start over (except your dog ,go and bring him back🐶Lol).
NoWhereToFlyTo · 26-30, F
@SW-User Im the one that did the dumping because i know i need to grow. I just hope im making the right decisions! thank you :) and i get my doggy for the weekend:)
@NoWhereToFlyTo good luck my dear 🌸💗
Try to be strong and not let things destroy your trust in people have been alone for 5 years now but find that there is a lot of beauty in the world , try to fight the bad feelings and make a happy life for yourself, best wishes.
The hurt is going to last for what feels like forever. You will get past this. Life will become pleasant again. Be careful with yourself though, kind to yourself. When you;re ready, you will even begin trusting others again.
drymer · 56-60, M
I got divorced after 9 years and had no friends or family who cared. I survived just fine, you will too. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger...
NoWhereToFlyTo · 26-30, F
@drymer Thats rough. I hope youre doing better than just surviving now 💚
drymer · 56-60, M
@NoWhereToFlyTo It was 15 years ago... I'm loving living on my own now. At first it's a bit unsettling of course but then you realize that stuff happens and those things are part of life and eventually you'll feel proud you managed to overcome it all... Frankly I don't miss being in a relationship that much, got all the bed for myself, I do whatever I want when I want it, etc... There are pros and cons in everything, so focus on the positives (the new freedom, the absence of arguing about stupid things, no longer having to compromise, etc...)
ProfRS · 61-69, M
Hello, I am Paul. I am a university professor part time and do massage and stress therapy full time. I am a great listener (Okay, I have big ears!? 😐🙄). If you wish to chat with me.
Ohhh...don't sell yourself too short!

Be strong, and focus on better things. This too shall pass!
NoWhereToFlyTo · 26-30, F
@Vivaci I'm really trying! I've been living with him since I was 17. I havent learned how to exist in the world on my own yet. Im trying to say strong though. Thank you!
@NoWhereToFlyTo Yeah!! you are at the best years in your life!! Focus on better job prospects, learn new skills, get a mgmt course/certification...and rise in your job. Basically these will always be the hardest days of your life. But work to make sure your future is bright!

JP1119 · 36-40, M
Aaww cigarettes are disgusting and hazardous to your health. Well, what can I do to help you?
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
@JP1119 *lights one up* right? Terrible habit. *inhales*
NoWhereToFlyTo · 26-30, F
@JP1119 Im disgusting and hazardous to myself already so its cool lol.
JP1119 · 36-40, M
@NoWhereToFlyTo Well what can I do for you?
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
You're stronger than you think
NoWhereToFlyTo · 26-30, F
@basilfawlty89 I hope so lmao thank you

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