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I remember on EP a guy whom I'd often have a conversation with confessed to me right before ep was shutting down, like a day before.

I rejected him because of so many reasons to count.
He gave me his email so many times saying I could send him a message anytime, saying I could give him an update on my life. he asked me if I was joining sw, to which I answered with a firm no.

Looking back one of the thing that didn't crossed my mind back then but sure did now is that I was 15 turning 16 that year meanwhile he was 26! F***ing 26!
At that time this didn't cross my mind but now thinking about it I'm upset he did that.
I'm glad that I didn't hand him any personal info of myself, he didn't even saw a proper picture of mine.
I was sad for him but not anymore.
I didnt plan on joining sw either.. i joined answermug but the site owner/woman there took a fancy to an evil troll who was harassing everyone and being rude as hell so i left there and cane here

Anyway you suddenly over that guy because you realized he was hitting on you as an underaged teen? You never know how old those guys really are.. actually
@SandWitch no i never went there.. they had a bad vibe to me
SandWitch · 26-30, F
I went there... it was horrible.
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CactusJackManson · 46-50, M
Sorry you had to deal with Billy Madison
CactusJackManson · 46-50, M
@SW-User EP's resident perv
@CactusJackManson didn't had any experience with him tbh
CactusJackManson · 46-50, M
@SW-User That's a good thing
I hear so many stories of kids being exploited, I'm glad you were smart enough to make the right choice.
@SW-User I have never met someone who describes their childhood and feelings of their parents so similar to me. It's like you feel bad for admitting the things they did were objectively wrong and harmful to you, because you know they rose above a level so unbelievably deep that you couldn't possibly understand what they had been through, or how they managed to get out of that hole in the first place.
@SinlessOnslaught perhaps. If anything I probably am complaining too much about them. Lol
There where so many blessings with them that I'm grateful for, the fact they tried their very best makes me grateful. :)
And for you young man, keep your head up, you got this.
Sometimes life get better, sometimes it get worse, either way we should be prepared for it all. 🤍
@SW-User I think you and I think of our childhood and parents the same.
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
Is u makinGz this UppERz?
@DonaldTrumpet you sure don't have to believe me. I'm okay with that 😀
But to answer your question, no.
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
@SW-User OkAYz HUNz, We takeZ u at faeCEZ ValUeZ
Straylight · 31-35, F
Bullet dodged. 😬
@Straylight I was a minor, dude I was too innocent to understand what the hell was happening.
Straylight · 31-35, F
@SW-User It’s just a good thing you didn’t stay in touch.
@Straylight I agree.
Ynotisay · M
That's messed up. IF you told him your real age.
@Ynotisay well he knew a few information of me, like my name, age, how many siblings I have, which country I used to live in and which country I live in.
and sometimes everyday experience
So yes he actually know my real age.
Ynotisay · M
@SW-User Then that's a person you want absolutely nothing to deal and someone you put in the rear view mirror and don't give it a second thought. Erase them. 👍
Your ep story didn't make sense tbh until you mentioned the ages
I was also groomed on ep
@SW-User sorry to hear that
UndeadSona · F
You dodged a bullet

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