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Is it possible to be intelligent yet naive?

Tatsumi · 31-35, M
Intelligence is such a vast and ambiguous term that yeah, for sure. Einstein was an idiot when it came to most things. People we think of as geniuses are usually only geniuses in one or two things. Incredibly impressive things; but, on other skills, not so much. Our strength as humans is in the collective: not the individual.

In addition, there's a vast array of mental illnesses which have a positive correlation with intelligence. For instance, those of higher (standardized intelligence quota type of) intelligence are much more likely--for instance, in genius societies like Mensa--to have a disproportionate amount of mental illness.

Although, strangely enough, those of low IQ are more likely to experience PTSD.

Anways, point is: yeah, it's possible to be intelligent yet gullible or inexperienced or easily lead astray. No one is intelligent in everything. We're all dumbasses one way or another. That's why we need each other. ^_^
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
Yes, because one doesn’t preclude the other.
Book smart/street smart
poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F
yes cos i exist
Cometomenychild · 36-40, M
Some of the smartest people I've even met have also been some of the dumbest too
ButterRobot · 51-55, M
Absolutely...and very common in my experience
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Blessed are the honest and forgiving for the sake of the lord. Woe to they that wrong them, adding insult to injury.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
yep, right here, super smart but naive as F...
Yes. It is possible.
Sure it is.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M

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