Success · 26-30, F
How about a smiling pic?
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PhoenixPhail · M
@SW-User I don't want to play them too hard. It could be tiring, but I don't want to be pooped. 🤭

@PhoenixPhail If you play the booty the farts and poops are yours. 😂
PhoenixPhail · M
@SW-User Oh, joy. Just what I've always wanted. 🤢
cd4259 · 61-69, M
@SW-User And if I were 25 would you still consider me a weird pervert????
bijouxbroussard · F
@cd4259 No, then you’d be age-appropriate for that model. 😅
cd4259 · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard lol
dinonuggies · 100+, M

Butterflykisses24 · 51-55, F
Bushmanoz · 61-69, M
@Butterflykisses24 thats what i was going to do
Butterflykisses24 · 51-55, F
@Bushmanoz lol
Degbeme · 70-79, M

dinonuggies · 100+, M
@Degbeme AWE
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M

dinonuggies · 100+, M
@HoraceGreenley why is this so cute
MarmeeMarch · M
@HoraceGreenley i wish i had a shotgun right about now
Sicarium · 46-50, M

SimpleKiwiGirl · 51-55, F
Oster1 · M
@SimpleKiwiGirl IKR:)
royalblue1193 · 31-35, M

No pics...but a funny story...……….
Years ago I was sitting at my desk in the corporate world and my phone rang.
I picked it up and it was the principle of the High School. He stated that my son had shown up to school dressed in sexually suggestive attire... and that was prohibited.
I quickly thought back an hour or so to when I had dropped my son off in front of the school. I asked the principle if my son was there in his office and the principle stated that he was. I asked the principle to read the offensive graphics on the T-shirt to me.
He replied that the top of the shirt said "SPONGEBOB" and across the bottom it said "BOOTY". He then stated that "Booty" was a sexually suggestive word.
I asked him what graphics were between the "SpongeBob" and the "Booty".
He replied that it was a picture that looked like a treasure chest.
I replied "See those gold coins in the treasure chest sir. That's treasure...also called BOOTY. Look it up, I'm sure you have a dictionary somewhere."
His reply: "Oh...I see"
Me: Have a nice day...
Years ago I was sitting at my desk in the corporate world and my phone rang.
I picked it up and it was the principle of the High School. He stated that my son had shown up to school dressed in sexually suggestive attire... and that was prohibited.
I quickly thought back an hour or so to when I had dropped my son off in front of the school. I asked the principle if my son was there in his office and the principle stated that he was. I asked the principle to read the offensive graphics on the T-shirt to me.
He replied that the top of the shirt said "SPONGEBOB" and across the bottom it said "BOOTY". He then stated that "Booty" was a sexually suggestive word.
I asked him what graphics were between the "SpongeBob" and the "Booty".
He replied that it was a picture that looked like a treasure chest.
I replied "See those gold coins in the treasure chest sir. That's treasure...also called BOOTY. Look it up, I'm sure you have a dictionary somewhere."
His reply: "Oh...I see"
Me: Have a nice day...

Degbeme · 70-79, M
@SW-User 😂



[image/video deleted]
Adamski24 · 41-45, M

Is this what you want
NightsWatch · M
[image/video deleted]


[image/video deleted]
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M

@YukikoAmagi has them
PhoenixPhail · M
@Valerian 😂 Hysterical. I'll take the booties in the top pic.
brainrapist · 31-35, F
Bottom pic @Valerian
PhoenixPhail · M
@brainrapist It IS a nice one, isn't it?
Differente · 31-35, M
[image/video deleted]
So good, your soul is trapped inside
SimpleKiwiGirl · 51-55, F
Gods, I'd love to, but I have none.
At least, none that would be actually appreciated here. ☺️
At least, none that would be actually appreciated here. ☺️
BeefySenpie · M
That only goes on the body positivity posts 😇
brainrapist · 31-35, F
Y’all suck. I wanted actual pictures of your actual booties.
Success · 26-30, F
@missionfigdeluxe I'm a big baby!
missionfigdeluxe · 61-69, M
@Success 😀 a cute one!!
Success · 26-30, F
@missionfigdeluxe Thanks much
TacoCat · 26-30, M
I was gonna but no one else did 😔
brainrapist · 31-35, F
Cause they suck @TacoCat
approachingmyexpirationdate · 61-69, M
you asked for it

Maeglin · 46-50, M
OK then...
This message was deleted by its author.

@Mona86 This is 300 pound bag. 😂
Just a little ass in a onesie. 

Bushmanoz · 61-69, M
@canusernamebemyusername lol..I saw that in the feed and had to come and have a look
@Bushmanoz I know it's hairy:'(
Bushmanoz · 61-69, M
@canusernamebemyusername it's everything you said it was lol
Tatsumi · 31-35, M

Temporallube · M

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NeloAngelo · 26-30, M
Yarr Harr, Here be me Booty :D

deadgerbil · 26-30, M
You wanna see my booty? 🍑
bijouxbroussard · F

Turtlepower · 36-40, M
Ain't nobody want to see my booty lol
Shapeshifter · 36-40, M
Okay but my butt is pretty flat
missionfigdeluxe · 61-69, M
I would but you’d desire to rape my big round ass