Im not going to any fake ass war or having a draft baby🙄
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VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@BeefySenpie Tell it. She out here giving you heirs?
BeefySenpie · M
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
Considering that my one experience with pregnancy left me with a hole the diameter of a softball in my abdomen that very nearly killed me, I'm not too keen on giving birth.
And, I was born in a war zone and lived through it for ten years of my childhood so it's not like I haven't seen it before. I'd especially like to go to war if it were in my home country and I could fight to defend the people who are being slaughtered in a genocide there. I am generally against killing other people but I'd love nothing more than to violently murder Wahhabi soldiers. I hate their fucking names.
And, I was born in a war zone and lived through it for ten years of my childhood so it's not like I haven't seen it before. I'd especially like to go to war if it were in my home country and I could fight to defend the people who are being slaughtered in a genocide there. I am generally against killing other people but I'd love nothing more than to violently murder Wahhabi soldiers. I hate their fucking names.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@VioletRayne It's alright, he wasn't trying to be offensive. He and I are pretty close and I openly talk about a lot of really fucked up shit with him, especially about my personal life.

@VioletRayne agreed. If some fool had tried to psychoanalyze me over my daughter's death, I might break his goddam face
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@SW-User To be fair to him he does know a lot more about me than pretty much any of my online friends so psychoanalysis from him carries more weight than it would if someone else did it.
In this economy?!?! Neither lolz
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@Dewms I wholeheartedly agree so the choice is go to war or have a beautiful bouncing baby.
@VioletRayne o wait i love babies 😂i choose dat
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@Dewms 😆😂🤣 LoL I love you
In war my role would be temporary whether I die on the battlefield or return safely for R&R. Parenthood's for life.
Kennedy · 31-35, F
I’ve given birth twice, I’d do it again in a blink of an eye rather than going to war.

Ugh...that is a tough one but my body was made to carry a baby so...war it is! ☺️
Peaceful · F
Ffs, neither with today's climate.
Miram · 31-35, F
I already went to war without a choice, without weapons.
I'd not bring a new life into this world out of personal fears. That's selfish and stupid.
I'd go to war as long as it's for defense, which I can't say was the case for most of modern western wars. I don't believe in serving politicians.
In which case I will break the law avoiding military service through other means.
I'd not bring a new life into this world out of personal fears. That's selfish and stupid.
I'd go to war as long as it's for defense, which I can't say was the case for most of modern western wars. I don't believe in serving politicians.
In which case I will break the law avoiding military service through other means.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
neither. I am not going to even pretend that I care to try and fight in another persons war and I am certainly not selfish enough to bring a baby in the world just to avoid it
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@PlumBerries I understand. It wouldn’t be that big of a deal to me because I already have two beautiful babies. It’d just be another for me to love.
StarlingDark · 31-35, F
If my country called, I'd answer that call. I wouldn't get pregnant just to avoid serving.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@StarlingDark Ehhhh careful there, wars are not always fought to answer a call. I currently live in the United States and we're in nine different wars right now, all of which are for deplorable motives. We're funding lots of Muslim terrorist groups and even supporting two separate genocides right now.

go to war, no way I’m gonna let some creature grow in my body
Danez · M
@SW-User or alien 😂🤣🤣
ImRileyTheDog · 22-25, F
War definitely since I hate kids and already joined the Army.

My mom gave birth four times, I figure I could do it at least once. 🤔
silentkillx2 · F
Impregnate me please
silentkillx2 · F
@Danez nah 🤰🏽
Danez · M
@silentkillx2 give me 20 (please) 😁

@silentkillx2 if you want to.
Pfuzylogic · M
In Israel, Men and Women are treated the same in Conscription.
GreenGoddess · F
Does a c-section count?
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@GreenGoddess yeap that counts
GreenGoddess · F
@VioletRayne Then I'm already gucci.
Hmmm... give life or take life and suffer from ptsd. Though one.
marsbar · F
Give birth, no hesitation
lequack · 26-30, F
I don’t support war at all, and if women were forced to go I’d kill myself first.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@lequack What if it were a war meant to stop another war? My home country is currently the victim of ethnic cleansing. I'd go to war to try to help save the people being murdered there.
lequack · 26-30, F
@BlueMetalChick Personally I’m more worried about things happening in my own country.That’s not to say those things don’t matter as well, but the US only gets into wars that would benefit us somehow and pretend like it was for the greater good.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@lequack I'm gravely concerned for my country of birth but there isn't much I can do. I'm an astronomer, not a soldier.
bijouxbroussard · F
I wouldn’t have a baby to get out of serving. That would be a heck of a thing to have to explain to one’s son or daughter.
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Miram · 31-35, F
@VioletRayne Word to the wise, you get what you put in this world and you're what you see in it.
You liked my harassment for the second time. The only reason I will end this here is because of my respect for Bijoux. I have no respect nor intention to empathize with prideful ignorance espacially coming from someone who encourages negativity. 👋
You liked my harassment for the second time. The only reason I will end this here is because of my respect for Bijoux. I have no respect nor intention to empathize with prideful ignorance espacially coming from someone who encourages negativity. 👋
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@Miram I love Ti Ti Bijoux but Word to the wise I don’t give a flying fruitcake what you have or don’t have respect for. I don’t right care how you do or don’t see me. There are plenty of people who know that I don’t subscribe to negativity or whatever you want to attribute to me. As previously stated I didnt mean anything by it. But since you are so offended by something so insignificant it’s down right silly. There is a block button and you are welcome to use it.

I'd presume that most women would want to go to war, as giving birth is a very painful process. Plus, if they didn't have to fight and be a medic, then that's a win/win scenario.
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@SW-User Women go to combat now. They aren’t just going to sideline people because they’re women.

@VioletRayne I know that, but in this scenario if they had to choose, they could choose this option if they didn't want to pickup a gun.
R5000 · 41-45, M
You know we just randomly click there
Lol I can’t see myself getting pregnant just to avoid war and I can’t see myself going to war for any reason either. My life would suck with either option I’d chose. 😂 I’m fine with dying if it ended up getting that bad, life is already annoying enough. So, if it got that bad to where I’d have to be force to go to war or force to have a child I don’t want, I’m not ready for, or prepared for in anyway just so I wouldn’t be forced to go to war I would just kind of go ahead and give up there. Life cannot be that great if choices like that becomes the norm. 🙈😆 I refuse to go to war for any reason and I refuse to have kids I don’t want. Selfish or not 🤷🏽♀️
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@Stark Thats a viable response as well. I know a few people who would probably kill themselves if faced with that response.
@VioletRayne Yeah, I’m not one for war and honestly I’ve always felt that way I refuse under any circumstances. I’m also wary about children, they’re so easy to fuck up if I am to ever have them I would need to be ready and it’d need to be with someone who’s also ready.

Meh..Imma pussy
AmbivalentFriability · 26-30
I'd rather go to war.
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VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@Miram Thats another point, realistically how many people are going to commit a crime that would label them as treasonous within the bounds of the law rather than have a child? I know a few people will probably kill themselves. These are the kinds of situations drafting puts people in.
I don’t sugar coat abortion. It’s murder and I’ve never had one nor would I ever unless I was raped n it resulted in a child. But I’m not going to sit on my high horse and judge the decisions of another. Especially when we have a foster care system that is over run. Poverty is widespread and we have no idea the quality of life that child will have. There are things worse than death and I would rather not put a child through them.
I don’t sugar coat abortion. It’s murder and I’ve never had one nor would I ever unless I was raped n it resulted in a child. But I’m not going to sit on my high horse and judge the decisions of another. Especially when we have a foster care system that is over run. Poverty is widespread and we have no idea the quality of life that child will have. There are things worse than death and I would rather not put a child through them.
Miram · 31-35, F
@VioletRayne Yet you find it rational to justify that choice when it's to avoid a draft. You romanticize the consequences in that case despite the intentions. And you consider the worst when it comes to abortions. Remember I did say as a contraceptive method so "poverty" is irrelevant. I am comparing to that.
No, you don't have to commit a crime. You're already committing a felony by refusing the draft and will go to jail. Same for doing things to avoid it.
No, you don't have to commit a crime. You're already committing a felony by refusing the draft and will go to jail. Same for doing things to avoid it.
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@Miram I said that is their choice. I’m not going to judge them either way. There are reasonings for or against and whose to say they will actually have these babies. Some I’m sure will use abortion as a contraception method as you said. I’m saying having a child isn’t all that bad. I have two that I love dearly so having another isn’t a bother for me. It’s just another child to love. Then again as I’ve said like fifty times already I would be an exception already!
Ewitsu · F
Fucking no to both
Ewitsu · F
@VioletRayne Well, I might as well off myself my life isn't very happy to begin with. War is some fucked up shit.
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
@Ewitsu Im sorry you feel that way. No life is meaningless 🤗