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Sad but true

Yes. Sad in one way, bitter sweet too and in hindsight often a good thing.
@SW-User 🤗 I like to cherish the people passing my life rather than get upset they are not in my life. I think everyone added to me something valuable.
@Socram knew what?
@SW-User I'd like to share that same attitude as well! 🤗
In all seriousness I think the person who created this had a point with the silly phrase but the image to match it is just some negative mentality that a lot of people tend to have after one relationship gone wrong and then they swear to never date again while falling for someone else like a day later. 😂 I guess my whole point is I think the image is super dramatic and although I think the phrase is super corny and silly I think it would have been less corny and silly if the image had a more uplifting, positive, and realistic outcome for both individuals in the story because that’s definitely possible when in situations like these whether we wanna look at it that way or not.
@SW-User lol there’s nothing wrong with that either is my whole point. There’s nothing wrong with her leaving for whatever reason she chooses too. I think people are just being limited in their way of thinking when viewing this. As if there’s only one or negative out comes to situations like this and I think that’s what the image is portraying.
1. she’s a terrible person for choosing to leave.
2. There’s no option for happiness when it comes to situation likes these and there’s just a cynical outlook on the world and how life tends to work out.

The reason I view this completely differently is because I use to think the complete opposite of what I think now and I use to be super cynical I probably would have agreed with this whole heartily at that time but I really just changed my out look on people and how they work and I just see images like these all the time displaying basically just one option for the outcome usually something keeping people in the negative state they currently are.
@Dateless I just saw your original comment. I do agree with that as well.
@Stark Well, I definitely support your urge to look at things more positively :D And you're not wrong. Most comments I've seen on this post so far are pretty negative and cynical, and that must be because of how the message was portrayed with the image.
I prefer this one:
[image deleted]
Elegy · 46-50
@SW-User He is a cuck
@SW-User Its okay to love ur female friends and help them through a tough spot. Just as one would help a guy friend.
@SW-User Hm true
Dusty101 · F
I've done that!
Left a guy at Dublin Airport and got picked up in Zurich Airport by "a friend with benefits"
I was single... Free.. A bit wild and don't regret a thing!
@Dusty101 don’t belive a word she says 😂
@Dusty101 Haha now that's my kind of wild
Dusty101 · F
@SW-User 🤣
Peaceful · F
I think most on SW is gonna get a taste of this at some point.
Peaceful · F
@SW-User or just super damaged. :/
@Peaceful I don’t think anyone is a journey on here tho I think it’s all just a game and they’re being naive about it lol
Peaceful · F
@Stark life is a journey. 😆
But as far as the chicks that swear alliance to someone without really knowing them? Agree 🤣
He could push her off the boat tho
@Eternity But why would he do so when she was still with the guy on the boat? Lol
Eternity · 26-30, M
@SW-User he knows what the game is lol. He was waiting for some poor stupid bleeding heart to bring him free pussy. Hes been watching the whole time. You must be new to this :P
@Eternity Nahhhh it was the girl, man, it was the girl all along...
SailorMarz · F
I never let myself forget about this lol
@SailorMarz Girl you should....
SailorMarz · F
@SW-User but i must be prepared for the worst..
@SailorMarz Do what you must then
MellyMel22 · F
@SW-User Awh.. I’m sorry. Should I get a shovel 🙊
@MellyMel22 😂 Now we're talking
MellyMel22 · F
@SW-User 🤫🤭
User41 · 36-40, M
His boats bigger.

And black!

I wish I was big and black 😢
@User41 It's a dock, genius! 😝 And you're fine the way you are, in my honest opinion
User41 · 36-40, M
Really? 🤩

*covers bicycle pump with sheets*

I knew it...
@User41 😂
@SW-User 💜
@SW-User good one 👍
cultofaction · 26-30, M
How pirates are made
@cultofaction No wonder they keep chasing those mermaids that end up eating them
@cultofaction sass pirates again! I dare ye!
[image deleted]
Pseudonym · 26-30, M
How is this in any way sad? We love people and lose people. We find happiness in new places, and we move on.

I live for the bloody journey. It's beautiful. That's life guys... take every day as it comes! 🤤
@Pseudonym Well if that’s how it is for you then I’m happy for you
Pseudonym · 26-30, M

Thank you! Although I'm kinda lying to myself there.

It is much harder to do than to say.

Alas, my attempt at maintaining any sort of willpower. If I dwelt on everyone I've drifted from over the years, I don't think I'd stop crying. So yeah, I try to turn those thoughts into something positive, something beautiful. The journey is what becomes our memories, and nobody can take those away. 😌
@Pseudonym I agree with you all the way :D We should definitely thank our former lovers for the time we had with them rather than be upset over them
Dateless · 31-35, M
All jokes aside, this will either give hope to people, or completely turn them away from dating.

I guess the guy on the boat never finds love because the artist truly felt it was the end of his journey
@Dateless Now you're making it more depressing than it really is lol
Dateless · 31-35, M
Lol brought the realism to the table @SW-User
@Dateless How refreshing! Lol
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Two timing bitch - lol
@nedkelly 😆
@nedkelly 😂 A damn hoe
Well then, that sucks.
@SW-User I love how nonchalant you are about me giving up on love 👍😁 but seriously, can we learn anything from the picture?
@SW-User Of course :)
@SW-User so what's your interpretation of the image? We always have you ask these great questions and you hear our thoughts, but we don't hear yours as much
i feel really bad for that guy
@SW-User Lol! Are you saying maybe he should've grown some beard to keep the girl? 😂
@SW-User Exactly!.. i mean they were both out there on dat boat long enough... he didn't need to bring his razor 😛
@SW-User Lmao! You had a point
Coppercoil · M
it's mostly like this for most people and most relationships.
@Coppercoil True, but if you think about it though, aren't we all just the journeys of someone else?
Coppercoil · M
@SW-User yes.. yes.. and yes.
@Coppercoil Yessssss
Reject · 26-30, M
Isnt it wonderful? Having their time to help us grow and learn. 😊
@Reject I've been sick for three days now lol. The wine from yesterday made it worse LMAO
Reject · 26-30, M
@SW-User Darn. Sickness is never fun. I hope whatever you have clears up soon! Hang in there and think happy thoughts! 🤗
@Reject Haha thank you. I will!
BondGirl84 · 36-40, F
Unfortunately that is true.... been in that situation... :(
@BondGirl84 I'm sorry :(
BondGirl84 · 36-40, F
@SW-User thanks but think everyone feels something like that at some point in their life
Well that’s fucking depressing lol
@Insomniac100 Lol It's something worth keeping in mind though
Indeed @SW-User
Oh well, das life

@Dewms Life's a biatch, like that girl who left the guy
@SW-User 😱😱😱😱😱
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
... But from them you learn seamanship ...
@ozgirl512 I'm just glad it's still there lol
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@SW-User sometimes hard to find, just like that blue sock you've been searching for;)
@ozgirl512 You're either too intelligent for me or I'm just too dumb to understand that blue sock reference 🤣
That is so true!
@SW-User 😂 Whaaat? I would never do that!
@SW-User lol i was just fantasising sorry 😂
@SW-User Lololol
Eternity · 26-30, M
Message: throw that bitch overboard after you get done kissing her 😂
@Eternity Now you're the bitch here lol
Eternity · 26-30, M
@SW-User I'd rather be THE bitch then made a bitch out of

Use or be used. That's the game these females want to play these days. Well, game on then hoe. I dont lose.
@Eternity Haha you're not wrong!
User41 · 36-40, M
Big black always wins

Holy shit. I was looking for a good pic of him but apparently he was in the navy.

🤔 he must have been an aircraft carrier
User41 · 36-40, M
Your already authenticated

I’m still trying.

[image deleted]
@User41 I know but what if the system is hacked?! 😱

You didn't even give me my heart! 😤 You troll!
Chickie · F
@SW-User he's a BBC fetish cuck
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
That’s why you throw them off the boat before you reach shore...
@Spokeskitties75 Lol Bad idea
And still, I wouldn't be even -almost- all the way ready to say goodbye.
@Teggy Hell yes. All this sad romance makes me crave for sugar!
@SW-User cheers! Let's dig in
@Teggy 🍨🍨
But the journey can still be great.
@SW-User That's true, but sadly it's not the case in this illustration though lol
@SW-User isn't it? They both look happy in the first picture.
@SW-User I see
Lol i hope she’s a journey for that guy now 😂
@Stark that made me laugh 😂
@Stark She deserves that! 😂
Allelse · 36-40, M
Must make alot of prostitutes feel better.
@Allelse The hell..lmao
TacoCat · 22-25, M
He's finally single he should be grateful
@TacoCat Single life is pretty awesome, I gotta admit
Elessar · 26-30, M
Oh yes, I know that guy's feel too well. 😩
@Elessar I'm sorry you've been in his shoes 🙁
Unfortunately it's so true ....
@Somewhereovertherainbow There's no doubt about it
arthurca · M
I agree, sad but true is right.
@arthurca 🤗
lorne13 · 61-69, M
This is true
@lorne13 Indeed
SerenitiesScars · 31-35, M
@GreenGoddess A huge damn for sure
TheGoodGuy · M
@SW-User Thanks! 😀
You're looking very sophisticated in your new av btw 💁🏻☺️
@TheGoodGuy 🤗 Thank you!
TheGoodGuy · M
You're welcome 🤗🤗
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@monimathu Lol you're pushing it way too far
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CheshireCatalyst · 36-40, M
I'm all three of these. And also the boat and the water.
@CheshireCatalyst Oh yeah...we control the water too. Good thinking
CheshireCatalyst · 36-40, M
@SW-User also he could've rowed the other direction but he chose to take her to shore.
@CheshireCatalyst Hmmm well, he was on the boat with her so it was both of them rowing together
TheSeptikSkeptik · 46-50, M
Unless you just settle and pretend to be a happy couple like normal people.
@TheSeptikSkeptik Pretense will only lead to worse outcomes
Dateless · 31-35, M
Guy on land: Thanks for keeping her rev’d up for me, I’m going to wreck her uterus now.
@Dateless Too far, buddy lol
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
We've all been there at some point in our lives. It does suck big time.
@Barefooter25 It makes us grow up as stronger human beings though so I appreciate it for that aspect
🤔. Wonder which one I am ...
Still thinking ...that’s a good sign 😏@SW-User
@SW-User Good sign? Lol
Of course ...means yiu haven’t decided which I’m going to be 😉@SW-User
Sujeet · 31-35, M
I feel happy for that guy
I am sure he will get better person
Who will be with him all life
@SW-User nuuu
@SW-User nuuu
@SW-User Lol okie
I wish I had not read that. So sad.
@GoldButterfly Oh...sorry for bringing you down...
@SW-User It is ok. It just seems to happen to me all the time.
Unfortunately that's the hard truth
@Complexconfessions Yup we all have to learn to accept it
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@Bacon I will lol

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