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Have you ever been on a solo trip?

To where and for how long?

I'm considering it but one obstacle for me is keeping my mood up. Like it makes me sad that I have no one to travel with, but then I'm sad that I haven't traveled, so I know I need to. I just don't think I'll be able to maintain happy energy for long...

rckt148 · 61-69, M
I have taking long trips across the US since I was real young
and I hate to travel ,,especially long slow boat rides ,nothing but sparkling water ,,
But I break my trips down into little ones
How many miles is it from one town to the next ,how long does it take
Where are the best places to stop and use the restroom and refuel
Best places to eat ,where will I spend the night if its longer than a day
My Wife and I set out for Miami when I was only 17
Back then Miami was a dangerous place to be ,,especially if you did not know your way around ,which I didn't
But after a few trips from Miami and back home ,and from Daytona Beach to the mountains of North Carolina alone ,its pretty easy after that
Snow ,that is a game changer ,,,but good chains and a little experience
thats a piece of cake too ,,
But the world is a scary place now ,,and get off in the wrong part of town in some of the major cities ,well its not safe
I would get someone to travel with me ,,I would not recommend a young lady do it now days alone ,,its not safe with 2 ,,but you have someone to help you look at road signs so you don't end up lost ,on one of those bad roads
My advice/opinion is that you will learn how freeing it is to travel alone, once you're on the road! I've done many road trips by myself... I once drove over 40 hours alone, and had a great time, didn't wanna go back home! Just savor every moment! And do exactly what you want to do!! You have no one to hold you back... I could give more specific advice if I knew your destination, but I understand if that's too much info to share here. All I can say is do not be afraid... Be aware, especially alone at night/don't get drunk and forget where you are... Don't follow anyone home... Enjoy every moment of freedom, try to live mindfully while you're travelling, make some friends, try some new things you never thought you'd try. And if you just feeling like chilling out in your nice hotel, that's fine, too. You're free to do what you want!
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@lovelywarpedlemon Thank you for that And wow, 40 hours driving alone? I'm sure you stopped along the way but I don't even like driving far around my city. I hate it, I hate the roads and stuff. So easy to have an accident if you don't know the roads here.

I just thought about that too. Being someone far away and/or the change of scenery might force an elevated mood
@iamnikki You will be in a different place. :) With plenty to explore. You've set aside time to live in the moment :) Enjoy!
4meAndyou · F
I moved myself and my mother from Plymouth, Mass to Lansing, MI. I drove one moving truck and hired a guy to drive the second truck. I had my dog with me, but it was scary in one motel in Ohio. They stuck me in an empty wing by myself, and told me it was so my dog wouldn't bother anyone. I took the dog for a walk and saw the air conditioner was caved in outside the window to my room, like someone had been standing on it. When I went back into the room I checked the window and it wasn't locked, so I locked it. That night I heard someone trying to open the window. I put stuff all over the floor between the window and the bed so that if someone DID get in they would crunch on things and trip on things, and I barricaded the door. So there IS that.

You might want to try this website:
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@4meAndyou that sounds crazy. I think you are the one who told me about
I'm wondering how come a flight to another city within my current state is $450 USD, yet a flight to Mexico is around $200?
4meAndyou · F
@iamnikki The cheap flights are usually one way.
To a few places. I’ve visted Japan, Mexico, and Ecuador for nearly 2 months at a time.

I housed and studied in rural areas. The natives are the best part of the culture, I enjoyed learning from them. I was not part of a program.

I did go to Cancun and Puerto Rico ALONE for leisure. I would recommend finding a nice resort, go all out with the all inclusive if you can. It’s worth it.

Pools, beach-side, unlimited food and drinks, clubs, dolphin swimming... there are some crazy resorts out there.

November is a great time to visit... there aren’t too many travelers. So, you might find it comfortable to hang out with the few others that are staying there as well.

It’s nice to lounge around with a drink in your hand. Nobody will bother you.

It is safer to keep on the resort than it is to visit the local areas around it. Keep it in mind if you decide to explore the area outside of the resort.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@LithiumDrop Thank you for that. I'm curious as to how you financed it. I have some savings but also need a new car.

That's a good idea-a resort. In my head I'd always assumed that resorts are always packed and stuff.

But I think a trip will have to wait. I'm starting a new job soon lol. I should have done/ planned this months ago when I was working part time.
Poppies · 61-69, F
You might consider group trips—either day excursions or longer ones. That would bring you into contact with some other travelers. When my husband and I took excursions out of Las Vegas (in vans) most of our fellow travelers were foreigners, which was very interesting. Apparently most Americans were renting cars instead.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
I have never taken a solo trip where I did everything by myself. The closest I can relate is once when I travelled to Arkansas from Virginia for two weeks by myself to visit a friend. But I've never spent a whole trip away alone (not that I hadn't thought about it before).
Dr3am · 31-35, F
Yes lol so many places i used to be a flight attendant.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@Dr3am well that doesn't count lol
cultofaction · 26-30, M
I spent September in Dublin for work. Got kinda dull after a week.

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