constantly being bullied for years losing people i care about either family or friends.
attaboy · 22-25
Depressed, bullied. Waking up, heavy eyes, the thoughts already screaming in my head. Smiling through the pain when it feels like a hurricane within. The surrounding people didn't exactly make it better...Coming home from hell to a person who made the thoughts go away and made that smile. Going to bed, distracting myself with tv shows until 2 a.m as i couldnt bare the thoughts alone in my room. wake up, repeat.
This person, who I only had known for half a year, the only positity... she passed away in cancer. What was left, thoughts and feelings, almost killed me. Pain within, pain at home, in school and in the people i met. I am still recovering although it was 3 years ago. I proboably never will. I will learn to live with it
This person, who I only had known for half a year, the only positity... she passed away in cancer. What was left, thoughts and feelings, almost killed me. Pain within, pain at home, in school and in the people i met. I am still recovering although it was 3 years ago. I proboably never will. I will learn to live with it
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attaboy · 22-25
@BeautifulDisaster Yeah, most people take it like just a bad day. Wave it of and say "yeah I am tired too, I had a rough day"
BeautifulDisaster · 31-35, F
attaboy · 22-25
@BeautifulDisaster i know right ;-;

i rather not mention again.
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
Car wreck so horrific that to this day no one can explain except by god's direct intervention how I survived. I still have the bodybag The firefighters at the scene laid out in the street to put me in expecting to pull a dead girl from the car.. in the end, i spent 78 minutes trapped in the car, but I had no broken bones and only a sore back, some bruises and a nights stay at cooks children's hospital for observation because I was suffering from complications of positional asphyxia. (Irregular heartbeat)
gmatthewb · 51-55, M
There have been a few, but I think the one that may happen by the end of the year will be the worst for me.
BeautifulDisaster · 31-35, F
@gmatthewb Is it cause you feel it coming?
I was about 7 years old. Rather not tell.
BeautifulDisaster · 31-35, F
@Robynthebeautiful Not good ...
Maiya · F
Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire..... What was yours?
Mondayschild · F
Car wreck where I had to hang upside down until help arrived
BeautifulDisaster · 31-35, F
@Mondayschild Oh Gosh
Cantsayno · 56-60, M
Being taken advantage of by a friends father.
imnosaint · 31-35
seeing my ex wearing a strap-on..! it was a dream though..!
BeautifulDisaster · 31-35, F
@imnosaint LOL

Watching my brother in law die. Having my life threatened.
BeautifulDisaster · 31-35, F
@SW-User Having your life threatened? I experienced the same thing :(

@BeautifulDisaster What happened?
rckt148 · 61-69, M
to many to mention and it causes me to have bad dreams just thinking of a few
I prefer to remember all the lives we saved and the good we done
there is way to much senseless death in this world
and some actually believe that bull crap we are evolving
So though I could tell you more then you want to hear
I will go back to just dealing with today ,and tomorrow when it gets here
I prefer to remember all the lives we saved and the good we done
there is way to much senseless death in this world
and some actually believe that bull crap we are evolving
So though I could tell you more then you want to hear
I will go back to just dealing with today ,and tomorrow when it gets here
BozoBoy · 36-40, M
6 months ago when I joined this fucked up site.