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Give me a good reason to head back to the gym

Probably going to do it anyway, but I can always use more reasons
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@Glassysky Gotta remember man, ass and thighs, that's what I aim for in women, of which this woman has in abundance. You aint the first to question my doctrine, and you shant be the last
Iwillwait · M
@FreeSpirit1 is that you?
Fluffybull · F
So you can support a business that really suffered because of lockdown 👍😊👏
@Fluffybull Msot gyms take your money monthly whether you turn up or not.
DCarey · 46-50, M
@DCarey this man knows what's up
Should be something you are looking forward, usually gives people a feeling of satisfaction in the process and the results are good if you're disciplined
@SW-User Eh I love going, though this was round 3 today. Needed that little push to take my aching muscles back there
just run to the gym and run back home 😄
i have an xbike in storage.. just need to dig it out 🙁@hidingrighthere
@SStarfish welp if you were anywhere near San Antonio, I would help you out with that. Not going to lie, it's always a lot easier to workout when you're doing it with someone
yeah.. im nowhere near there 😄 thanks tho ☺️@hidingrighthere
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
It's one place where you can escape hearing about Brittany Spears.
maybe someone left a can of pringles in the water holder
@saragoodtimes You makin' me hungry! :(
@aboveaverageaveragejoe hurry to the gym before someone else eats the chips
Mona86 · C
I’m American stuck in Australia
@Mona86 sorry to hear that :( No one deserves to be in Australia
rhouse · 56-60, M
That seems like an illogical statement to me. As an American, I would love to be "stuck" in Australia. @Mona86
Mona86 · C
No it’s ok but there’s no way pity especially when I have no money @hidingrighthere
Iwillwait · M
Get back on a good head space , exercise helps with that. Get fit is a bonus.
Sadwithasmile · 22-25, M
I need to go to the gym but i cant pull myself to do it 😭😭 why is life so harddd
Glassysky · 26-30, M
Good body, confidence.
kodiac · 22-25, M
So you can be like me
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Miram · 31-35, F
Sweaty naked men
Miram · 31-35, F
@Miram I'm working on my biceps by during an incline curl
and I want to die....
Miram · 31-35, F
@hidingrighthere No dying. Keep up the curls
Hot chicks with tight asses.
@aboveaverageaveragejoe this guy, you're a 10/10
Lilnonames · F
So u can look good while u fuckin 😋
@Lilnonames there we go, plus, it'll be easier to carry, lift, and hold the person while I fuck. Good idea, I push this set out to you!

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