masterofyou · 70-79, M
I complained about such activities on here answering another post and i was more or less said i was delusional..... And they this isn't happening .....
Tetsuya · 56-60, M
@masterofyou you could send them a 100 articles and they won't believe it
they might admit it was happening if you dragged them to location where it was occurring to see for themselves......maybe
they might admit it was happening if you dragged them to location where it was occurring to see for themselves......maybe
masterofyou · 70-79, M
@Tetsuya I have....
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Yes, and the loony left think having these sick and disgusting parties are acceptable.
According to the incident report the children ranged from ages 5 to 10.
"All of the adult parties were being uncooperative and did not provide helpful information. All adults present denied having children inside the apartment," they wrote.
According to the incident report the children ranged from ages 5 to 10.
"All of the adult parties were being uncooperative and did not provide helpful information. All adults present denied having children inside the apartment," they wrote.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@nedkelly no telling what horrors those children have experienced in their tender years
TheunderdogofNY · 36-40, M
"Initially uncooperative and evasive, the six cross-dressing adult males present hindered the emergency crews' efforts to gather information."
"Only after an extensive search did the responders locate the minors hidden away in a back bedroom."
"The deceased individual found amidst the abhorrent squalor was later identified as a friend of the neighbors, but when questioned, the neighbors claimed ignorance of the disturbing events taking place next door."
“There was hoarding, [a] lot of uncleanliness in the apartment, lots of sex toys and drug paraphernalia all over the place."
Man what the fuck going on?
"Only after an extensive search did the responders locate the minors hidden away in a back bedroom."
"The deceased individual found amidst the abhorrent squalor was later identified as a friend of the neighbors, but when questioned, the neighbors claimed ignorance of the disturbing events taking place next door."
“There was hoarding, [a] lot of uncleanliness in the apartment, lots of sex toys and drug paraphernalia all over the place."
Man what the fuck going on?
BeJeweled · 61-69, F
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
FurryFace · 61-69, M
uhhh Dead Bodies ???
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
An obamanation..

Filled with dead bodies? 😲
originnone · 61-69, M
@SW-User that was my reaction
Hey…let’s not mar the picture many don’t want marred…like the left wing politicians and social
Engineers hard at work fucking things up!
Engineers hard at work fucking things up!
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
sounds like a adam shit Ed buck PARTAY....
Jesus fucking Christ.
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@masterofyou I agree with you. What consenting adults do behind closed doors should never be pushed on children. This new Woke crowd is just evil! 😡
BizSuitStacy · M
@Musicman @masterofyou Please continue to expose the evils of grooming, pedophilia, child trafficking, etc. I believe we all have a responsibility to raise awareness in any way we can. If someone ridicules you, they are either incredibly stupid, or they are vested in this criminal behavior.
masterofyou · 70-79, M
@BizSuitStacy Actually i think its the later.. It has been debated in congress and bills have been put forward most of the news media have reported on it altho some have remained silent..