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How many of you hosers will end up eating more Halloween candies than you hand out to the neighborhood kids?

AdaXI · 41-45, T
I just eat them all, it's my way of helping out with the childhood obesity problem, lolz.
halloween is a joke around here. well i just moved to a new town so we'll see about this year. but the kids in my old town didn't go door to door like we did as kids. they would go to the mall and collect candy from the merchants
MoodysGoose · 51-55, M
Wait! Hand them out? The neighborhood kids? Is that who keeps knocking on my door? I usually can't hear them over the crunching of my chips and the rustling of the empty candy wrappers 🤷‍♂
smiler2012 · 56-60
@rinkydinkydoink 😆defo we buy sweets but then get no callers 🤷‍♂lol so what are you suppose too do in that case 😆

PMing you with my home address. I'll pen a post about what a generous person you are!
Blondily · F
We don't get trick or treaters so I usually eat some and then give it away.😋
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Hold on!! Let’s get through Canadian Thanksgiving first!
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
I live in a too rural of a area for Trick-or-treating. So no worries
Lostpoet · M
I guess zero is more than zero.

Zero's better than nothing :D
I don't get any trick or treaters...
Tumbleweed · F

You must be sooo tired waving like that 24/7 - - 😅
Tumbleweed · F
@rinkydinkydoink whew, I'm glad you noticed! I'm exhausted!!
No, I leave it in the plastic pumpkin downstairs so people can help themselves. Then I’m not tempted.

I believe you - - I do! Honest...
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BoxeS! Your honesty is refreshing 👍

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